Chapter nineteen - Mature

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Hey lovelies. I would like to thank each and everyone of you first because the last chapter reached my most number of votes in a single chapter. That's really an achievement for me, I'm so happy. Thank you all so much. And I'm sorry for updating just now, and to think it's quite crappy. This might cause the downhill of this story but I do hope you guys would at least appreciate this. Bear with my chosen words on this part and please do enjoy. Sorry for the long author's note. x

The weather was undeniably wintry. Fogs would escape from ones mouth in every attempt of initiating a conversation, or merely by huffing. For some who never fancied the cold season, they will certainly not tolerate tonight’s weather. Harry was one of these people. He always hated the chilly wind gusting through his skin that sent shivers down his spine. But with his fingers currently entwined with Zayn, he felt as though he should be grateful for this certain night.

Zayn guided Harry home. And when he says home, the raven haired bloke meant taking him back to his flat. He would never take Harry back at the mansion, though the curly lad still hasn’t told Zayn how he practically lost the luxuries. He was too preoccupied by Zayn holding him tight and warmly, and how Zayn's confession still lingered at the back of his mind.

“Mum’s not around, well what's new? She’s too dedicated to her work that she sometimes wouldn’t mind having overtimes.” Zayn stated upon reaching the front of his flat. Harry just opted to nod in response with his hand still holding Zayn’s. The older boy used his free hand to fumble the keys out his trousers and slip inside the knob so both could enter the house. After a minute or two, the two quiet lads were now inside as they plodded their way towards the couch with Zayn immediately sagging down, slowly detaching his hands from Harry. The sudden lost of contact caused a brief emptiness to both of them but was promptly restored when Harry decided to sit and occupy the space beside Zayn.

“I... I think your mum would get suspicious of me. I-I’m always here and I-I add up to y-your expenses and—

“Shh! 'M not in the mood to here your modesty. Mum wouldn't think of you like that and it has only been a week and a half since your last stay here.” Zayn reassured as his hand slowly made its way to rest on top of Harry’s trembling knee. Zayn took notice of Harry’s uneasiness bringing a frown to slightly etch on his face. “Harry, are you alright?”

Harry stared at him for a second before avoiding his gaze to stare at the much more interesting floor. He watched as how the lanky lad’s legs squirmed and how his breath would turn uneven. Harry was obviously fidgety and Zayn clearly knew he was to blame as to why the lad felt quite jumpy.

“I’m... I’m sorry Harry. I know that was quite a shocker but I’m not taking it back. I love you and I at least wanted you to know that. M'not gonna go and hide these feelings anymore.” he spoke while his firm gaze never left Harry’s wide green orbs. From the moment they arrived home, not a single comment or clarification left Harry’s mouth about his sudden confession which definitely drove him on edge.

Maybe Harry doesn’t feel the same? Maybe the affections he was showing were just out of kindness, after all Harry was the only person Zayn knew with such a big heart and he mistakenly took Harry’s compassionate gestures as love. 

“Fuck, sorry for acting like a total creep... I mean, what the hell’s with that sudden declaration anyway? Didn’t actually help us with the shitty situations we’ve been going through, right? J-Just added up t-to your confusion and—

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