Chapter 1

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Natalie's POV

"Is this car actually yours?" Lillian asked doubtfully, leaning against the hood of Michael's new black car. He'd dented his old one up, and his parents had gotten him a new car for his 18th birthday. "You didn't steal it or anything, did you?"

Michael laughed. "What kind of person do you take me for, Lilly?"

"Exactly the kind of person who'd do something like that." Lillian shrugged and then checked her watch.  She rolled her eyes. "Where are Sara and Joshua?" she muttered under her breath.

"We're here," Sara said, stepping out of the clearing. Behind her came her boyfriend, Joshua, who was wearing a big smile on his face. He lifted up a box of drinks and stuffed it into the backseat of Michael's car.

The six of us - me, Lilly, Michael, Sara, Joshua, and Sara's stepbrother, Carson - were on a weekend trip to Sara's cabin in the woods, about three hours away from Brookline, New York. It was originally supposed to be five of us, without Carson, but at the last moment Sara's stepmother had pushed Carson into the car with her. Sara was still fuming.

"You're still here?" she directed the words to Carson, her eyes flashing angrily. The two of them were only one year apart - Carson was older than her - but they were never close. They were the opposite of close. She still resented Carson and his mother.

"Sara, give it a break," Lillian said suddenly.

Sara turned on Lillian, opening her mouth to say something else, but then she thought better of it. "Come on," she growled, turning to Michael, "Let's get out into the woods."

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