Chapter 4

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Natalie's POV

Lilly pushed away from me, stumbling slightly. Now that I was up close, I could see her face, tear-stained. Her eyes were glassy. 

"No-" I breathed, my eyes wide. No. I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't!

"I'm so sorry," Lilly said, breaking down and beginning to sob again. "It's my fault. It's my fault. It's all my fault."

"No, no," I shook my head, "No, it can't be. It's not your fault."

"Natalie Pearson, we're going to examine you," a doctor said, bringing me back to the present. I let them, but the moment they told me I was okay - "Put some ice on that bump, dear" - I ran back outside to where Lilly was standing.

Joshua was standing next to her, and both of them were being questioned by a police officer. There were lights flashing everywhere. It gave me a slight chill. Did my parents know where I was?

"No, no. It can't be. It's not one of us." Joshua was saying, "It can't be one of us! I've known them for almost all my entire life, and-"

"Joshua! Lilly!" I cried, crashing into them. I was in too much of a shock to cry. I felt Lilly's arms around me, holding on to the only thing that was keeping me rooted here. I heard her beginning to cry, but my own tears wouldn't come.

The police officer glanced at the three of us. "I'd like to take you to the station for some questioning," she said crisply, "I know you're not from around here, so we're driving you back to Brookline."

"Yes, yes," I said, willing her to go away. She gave me a pitying look, and then turned to leave.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked Joshua.

He seemed to be in shock. His eyes flickered over to mine. "Yes. They were murdered," he said, "Sara's dead." His voice was hollow. It didn't sound like him. "When are they taking us back to Brookline?"

"Soon, I think," I managed to get out. "Michael and Sara - they couldn't have died..." I'd heard her yelling my name. I'd heard her. I blinked back tears. It must've been Lilly - I just thought it was Sara. Murdered...who would murder them? Who? I couldn't believe it. Everyone loved Sara and Michael - maybe Sara was a little annoying every once in a while, but still.

"They are," Joshua snapped angrily, "And he's just standing there, like everything's okay." He glared at Carson and swore under his breath.

"Give him a break!" Lilly raised her voice, "He's got nothing to do with it!"

"Oh, yeah?" Joshua countered, "Someone murdered them, Lilly. Do you think its one of us, or do you think its him? Huh?"

"Don't put me in that spot," Lilly growled back, "Someone else did it. No one in that car would ever do something like that." And with that, she spun on the spot and stomped away.

Note: oooh. inside job? did someone break in? who did it? thoughts? comments??

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