Chapter 2

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Natalie's POV

We piled into the car, trying not to squish any of our suitcases. We didn't have much, but in Michael's car - which was actually his family's, so it had seven seats - we were cramped. I got one of the seats in the front, so I was better off than most people. Sara and Joshua took up the back three seats, and Lillian and Carson the middle two. Michael was driving.

"We picked the worst time to go," Michael grumbled as he drove onto the highway.

"You know my stepmom's annoyed with me," Sara piped up from the backseat, "It's probably best that we go now. Otherwise she's probably going to ground me or something. She's so annoying."

I'd never met her stepmom. None of us had.

"When are we gonna get there?" I asked.

"Like, 1. 1 in the morning," Michael grumbled, rubbing his eyes. It was dark out already - 10 pm. We were supposed to go tomorrow morning, but Sara had texted us, telling us it was now or never. We'd picked now. I was regretting it now, though.

"She already made us take him," Joshua jerked his head at Carson.

"Be nice," Lillian told him, "Go back to making out with your girlfriend or something. At least then we don't have to hear you talk."

Sara glared at Lillian. She was always upset these days, ever since Carson had moved in. He'd only moved in early this year, and already she was becoming crabby and annoyed. I missed the old Sara.

"Hey, hey," Michael waved his hand, "Calm down. Think about the weekend. We're gonna get so wast-"

"Michael!" Lillian shrieked, cutting him off.

He'd swerved the car while he was talking to us, and it almost hit another car. Michael jerked the steering wheel back into his lane.

"Sorry," he chuckled, "It's a bit dark, and I'm a bit tired."

"Drink a Red Bull," I said, "If you kill me now I'm going to sue you. Especially because I died right before I arrived at Sara's cabin."

Michael reached back and plucked a can of Red Bull from Lillian's hands. He opened it and drowned half of it in one sip. "Everyone better drink some of that," he warned us, "I won't have you going to sleep on me. I'm gonna be so bored."

I rolled my eyes and opened my own can, while everyone else did too, Sara reluctantly detatching herself from Joshua. 

"Go to sleep, Nat," Michael smirked, "You're always tired."

Oh, so now you want me to sleep? Maybe you should've said that before I drowned my Red Bull? "Only because I wake up early," I said, rolling my eyes. Then I took his advice to heart, curling up, closing my eyes, and falling asleep.

Note: sooo? lol I know that no one really reads my work (the reads on my stories are probably myself) but hey, a girl can hope, right??

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