"You're floa-ting really close to me a-nd I can feel your di-ck."

24 1 1

WARNING: Some MATURE CONTENT in this chapter.

I stare at myself in my bathroom mirror. I put my blonde hair into a ponytail then take the hairband off to see what I look like with my hair down. I do this multiple times and fuss over the position of every thick strand when I finally decided to leave it down. I got my hair colour from Mum but I got my grey eyes from Dad. Ashley looks exactly like Dad with grey eyes and chestnut hair.

I blow a puff of air. I grab hold of my enemy. The Eyeliner. I've mastered it a few days back but I still sometimes jab my eye. I hesitate to put on the red lipstick. I'm going all out anyway, red lipstick wouldn't hurt, right? I reach for a small brush and dab the red lipstick. I saw this technique in one of the tutorial videos and do the exact movements by outlining my lips then filing them in.

I put a little bit of powder to cover my spots.

I go back into my room and glance at my outfit on the full-length mirror. I'm wearing the leather mini skirt I bought with RJ and a loose white, sleeveless top to match. I shave my legs this time and I stand taller than my five foot two because of my black ankle boots with higher heels than I am used to.

The sound of the doorbell makes me take in a breath and grab my backpack from the floor and go downstairs.

I open the door and my new look makes RJ stand still with his mouth in an 'O' shape. I look down and cover my face to hide the blush I'm sporting as I lock the door behind me.


I finally look up at him and pose ridiculously, mocking the models in vogue. I stretch my right leg out. "What do you think?" I purse my lips exaggeratedly. "I even shaved my legs." I wink at him and we walk side by side to the bus stop.

"You look so hot that I have a fucking boner."

I shove him hard and roll my eyes as he smirks.

The bus arrives and I search my bag for my Oyster card. I couldn't find it. I look up at RJ pouting.

He rolls his eyes and groans, "Not again." I just shrug in response.

I get on the bus first and tap on the driver's window lightly. "Hi. I forgot my Oyster card." I smile sheepishly.

He too rolls his eyes. "You're lucky I'm the bus driver, Charlie."

I smile sweetly at him. "Thanks, Bill."

I find us a seat and RJ shakes his head side to side as he sits. "You've forgotten it so much that bus drivers know your name and vice versa."

"Yeah, but Bill's my favourite. After, Adam."

"If it were any other person, they would tell them to fucking walk."

I wink at him, "That's why I'm special."

"You're a piece of shit," he mutters and I glare at him.

It's a ten-minute bus ride to the school, but going home is a different story because of all the traffic that doubles the journey back. We get off as I say my thanks to Bill and walk side by side to our lockers, which are on opposite ends of the corridor. As I get the books I need for period one and two, I feel a hand snake around my waist and turn me around to face them.

I look up. "Mathew!" I jump into his arms and hug him tightly. I shout RJ's name and to get his ass over here. Him and Mathew do that guy-handshake-fist-punch thing. "When did you come back?"

Mathew moved to New York with his Mum last year because his Mum got a major fashion job.

"Just yesterday," he smirks, "I see that it's still the normal crew." He looks past RJ so I turn around and see Connor and Mitch walking towards us. However, they do seem to be power walking.

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