"You have a Cheeto in your hair."

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A/N: Ahhhh I am back from the dead. I know I've been neglecting this book for a while now, but please just be patient with me. I'm a full time  student and I can hardly find time to write anymore. I can assure you tho that if you keep reading my books you will not be disappointed.

WARNING: This goes for all of my books - there will always be a lot of swearing so if you don't like that then I think I'm not the author for you. As you all know, I love swearing. Sorry if you get offended by this but if you don't like swearing then dont read any of my books because there is A LOT.


As always, I love you all.


I walk into school and look around for the guys. They are all by my locker and they're laughing at RJ.

"What are you guys all laughing about?" I furrow my eyebrows as I look at them curiously, shutting my locker once I've taken my books out.

Mitch looks at RJ trying to stifle a smirk and raising his eyebrows at him to encourage RJ to tell me. He eventually rolls his eyes once it's clear that RJ has no intention in explaining anything to me.

Mitch instead turns towards me. "His date with Grace went horribly wrong."

I roll my eyes at RJ's scowling face and sigh, "Dude, I'm sure it was not that bad." RJ's face turns red when Mathew lets loose the laugh he has been trying to hold for so long. He holds onto his stomach as he produces heaving sounds instead of normal laughter and drops to his knees whilst trying to grab ahold of my hand.

We were attracting attention from some students to I told him to get up, but when that didn't work, I grab his arms and pull him up for him to stand. He puts his arm around my shoulder, taking deep breathes to calm himself.

"He got food poisoning," Mathew managed to say. I tried to stop myself but I just couldn't. I joined Mathew in his laughing fit.

After a while, I reached out to RJ and say, "What did Grace do?"

He sighs, "Well when I brought her back home, she just kissed my cheek."

"Was she not aware that poo particles probably stuck to your face?" Connor pipes in.

Everyone laughed their lungs out not even caring when we earned some weird glances from people.

"I'm sure she's still willing to go out with you." I tell RJ. Before he could reply, the bell rings and we scramble to our classes.


"What should I do?"

We all sit at our usual lunch table in the corner, away from everyone. I am chewing my tuna sandwich and look at the other guys but they are not giving any attention to RJ, so I have to give my wisdom once again... as I always do.

"Just go and talk to her. Having diarrhea is perfectly normal." I shrug as I glance over my shoulder and see Grace sitting with two of her friends across the cafeteria.

RJ glares at me. "Yeah, but it doesn't mean it becomes less embarrassing." He covers his face with his hands and groans.

I widen my eyes and look at the guys as if saying: he's a bit over exaggerating.

They all nod their heads slightly but I can feel RJ glaring at all off us. All of the laughing stop, and it's not because of RJ. All of the guys have curious and questioning looks. I frown at all of them for a second before I turn and see what they're staring at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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