(3)She's only seventeen

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Song for this chapter: Awkward, Sans Cisco

*Elise's POV*

I made my way through the hundreds of smelly teenagers, attempting to get to my first period alive.

I was finally nearing the door to my class; Then I saw it, the dark blue, heavy metal door that was the entrance to my maths class. I sped my walking pace and pushed through the rest of the bodies blocking my way.
As I walked into the room, I examined it for a while. The walls were painted white, but they were a bit dirty. The room was also very small, and there were very little desks, only about 16, and a plastic, longer table in the front of the room I predicted was the teachers "desk".
I wonder what the frilly hell this school is doing with all the fundraiser money. All they can afford is damn plastic table for the teacher. At least get someone to clean this place.

The school was exactly how I remembered it.

I looked around just a bit more before finding a seat in the very first row. I usually didn't enjoy sitting in the front, since the teacher would be only a few feet away from my face, but this year I decided what the hell? I would see better up here and it would be easier to get help since the teacher would be right in front of me just waiting answer me

Interrupting my train of thought, a loud thump was heard coming from the entrance.

Hecken ?

I jerked my head to the left to see who had made that annoyingly loud noise. At first glance I saw someone bending over; They had long red hair, And tight black pants.

My eyes lit up and an uncontrollable urge to smile overcame me. I couldn't help it, a huge grin spread across my face.

As the tall slender figure finished picking up the items they dropped, they started to bend upwards again, revealing their face.

"Mandy!" I couldn't help but loudly whisper, waited for her to look my way.

As her eyes made contact with me her jaw dropped. Guess she was surprised to see me?
"Oh shit" she mouthed. What's up with her?

Still standing in what I think was shock, she suddenly pulled her gaze away from me and started towards the front of the room.
She walked behind the plastic desk and cleared her throat, still avoiding any eye contact.

What the hell was she doing?

" Uuhh-" she started off, "H-hello class, my name is Ms. Willows, welcome to your Maths class, I will be your teacher for the year"

Amanda had an obviously forced grin plastered on her face.

This cannot be happening, she can't be a teacher? She looked like one of the students for god sake, a senior student that is.

Mandy pulled out stacks of papers from her bag and started to explain the rules for her class, but I wasn't listening to any of it, I was too busy silently having a panic attack right in the middle of class.

My attention was  eventually caught when I saw kids getting up from their desks and forming a large circle around the classroom.  
Amanda followed and stood right in the middle of the room and cleared her throat,
"Alright, for an exercise to get to know your fellow classmates. We're gonna go around in a circle saying our names, age, birthday, and a hobby"

I hated doing these things to be honest. I didn't care about more than half of the people in that class, if I wanted to get to know a person, I'd talk to you personally. Unfortunately, now I was going to have to listen to people's information that I don't care about; I know they didn't care about what I had to say either.

"Okay" Amanda said getting everyone's attention, "who wants to go first?"

Everyone in class averted their eyes to the floor or to the ceiling, hoping to not get called on.

Some popular boy to my left spoke up confidently, "I think everyone here would like to hear about you first, beautiful"

He was checking her out as she shifted uncomfortably, "Let's keep things school appropriate, please" she gave him the teacher glare.

He just rolled his eyes and whispered "fucking prude"

What an asswipe, just because she's trying to be professional, he decided to be an immature douche.


The voice was soft and questioning, Amanda.

"Y-yes" great, stutter, that'll make you seem confident.

"Would you start us off" Amanda gave me a small smile and looked into my eyes. Oh how could I say no now?

"Oh, alright" Mandy seemed happy with my response and mouthed "thank you"

"Okay" I took a deep breathe "My name is Elise Garder, I am 17, my birthday is February 24th, and my favourite hobby is playing the piano" I looked back at Mandy who was looking back at me and smiling but when I caught her she quickly turned the other way.
There was a longer silence after I went. No one wanted to speak up; Until the jerk who tried "flirting" with Mandy spoke.

"Jesus, fine I'll go. My name's Tyler Miel, I'm 18, I was born on January 7th, and my hobby is sleeping" a few snickers could be heard throughout the class.

"Good, okay now the person to your left go and then the next, and so on" Amanda said giving one of her significant smiles. I wondered if it would hurt to smile like that all the time. Luckily I wouldn't know; everyone says I have a resting bitch face.

Amanda walked out of the circle while the next few people went and sat down in her chair while looking down at some papers. She was tapping her leg at a quick pace and biting the butt of her pen. She seemed anxious, like she was thinking of something troubling.

She then looked up and looked me right in the eyes, "Elise? C-can I speak with you?"

Lord help me now.

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