Chapter Six: . . . Home . . .

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Hey guys! You know who it is, it's Author-chan! So.. I just wanted to warn you guys that some physical abuse is going to happen. I'll let you know when it would start so you can skip that part if you don't want to read it.

  You and Brandon eventually made it home where he opened the door to have no sound greet any of the two of you. This was odd for you and Brandon, usually mom would greet the both of you. Alas, nothing was heard, you and Brandon agreed to split up to look around the house to see if she left a note; luckily she did, you found it attached to the refrigerator and called Brandon telling him that you found it. This is what it read:

Dear Brandon & (Y/n),
I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you earlier but I got a job to be a baker! Isn't this exciting?!
But this sadly means that you won't see me when you guys come home because I'd probably be at work so you won't get to see me that much except for the mornings but I'll try! I should be home around 9ish maybe because it's my first day. I don't know about Allen though..
P.S: I made some cupcakes! They're in the fridge if you want any!

  You couldn't stop smiling like a little kid knowing that your mom, Olivia, made cupcakes for the both of you and that she achieved her dream of being a baker! Too bad you won't get to see her after school; you'd always helped her make dinner and she's give you cooking and baking tips.

  You found yourself opening the refrigerator to grab a cupcake but that's when you realized something; you weren't hungry. You sighed a bit and grabbed the cupcake for your brother since you heard his stomach grumble when you read the words, "baker" and "cupcakes" in the letter.
  Your brother smiled at you then began to eat the pink and blue cupcake. So you went up to your room and plopped on your bed and went on your phone to find that Alfred had spammed your phone with ten texts trying to see if your number worked. You chuckled to yourself after texting him back saying that yes, your number did work.

  A few hours later, you were texting Alfred about how your mom got a job when the front door bursted open and how a stressed out father called for you.

You: I have to go! I'm sorry!

Alfie: No problem! I'll talk to you later!

  'If there is a later anyway..' You thought as you went downstairs to meet with your father, Allen, he did not look happy. He had an alcoholic stench to him, especially in his breath. You tried to hold in the cough and deal with it. His angry red eyes stared into yours as he clutched the note your mom written about her job. "You...You encouraged her to get one..did you?"

  You were about to shake your head but stopped in the process, "n-no sir! I didn't!"

  "Stop your fucking studdering and answer properly!" He lifted his hand as you closed your eyes when you felt and heard a loud 'smack' against your cheek, leaving a red handprint from the impact.

  "Yes sir.." You held back a hiccup as well as from keeping your eyes from watering up. You remember the last time he smacked you and pulled your ear and dragged you to the basement.

(The abuse starts here.. it will end when the flashback ends. Skip if you want to. You do NOT have to read it if you don't want to.)

  You were sitting on the chair in the basement with your hands tied by a rope behind your back and your feet tied to the chair. Your (h/l) (h/c) bedraggled hair was covering your red puffy eyes that came from your tears. You were so thirsty from all the screaming and crying but no water was given. You slowly lifted your head to be blinded by light in your dull (e/c) orbs; you only watched him smile at your pain as you bite your bruised and bloody lips.
  This drunken stressed out man in front of you and his damn smile; he loved to see your pain, your fear. He longed to hear you scream, shout in agony, and for you to beg him to stop.
  He hasn't heard that in years since you got used to it. You and Allen both knew you were the cause to bring Brandon into this abusive mess. This man had got what he wanted, what he longed to hear; in addition, he received some cries from your twin repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry.." to you. You only gave him a quiet whimper from not drinking water, "it's okay..." as he gave you another whip on your cheek.
  You and Brandon knew that if your brother wouldn't beat you, Allen would beat Olivia. The both of you didn't want to break her like how Allen broke you into thinking how you were worthless, a burden, useless, unlovable, and how you were nothing. Neither of you could bare to see your mother go through this torment. Brandon felt like such a cruel person to do this to you, he absolutely hated it.

Your vision soon went black from too much pain and blood lose.

Flashback End
(Okay.. the abuse ends for this chapter)

  You dreaded that memory, you hated how you had to wear makeup the next day to hide the wounds, you hated how your brother was forced into this, you hated your father.  To be honest, you remembered a day from your childhood that you overheard your parents, Allen and Olivia, discussing about you. You remembered how your father said that if he did find out that Olivia was having twins, one boy and one girl, he would've forced her to go to an abortion center to kill you off and keep the boy. (I don't know if they do that or not to be honest.) So, ever since that day when you heard Allen say that to your mother you knew that if you would've died, the family would've had a better life. All of these painful memories is what gave you cuts on your wrists and arms.

  You were lucky that Allen didn't notice you were dozing off into your thoughts and memories. "I don't want to see your face anymore. Get out of my sight!" The harsh voice that came from your father put you out of your trance. "Yes sir." You said as your walked upstairs into your room and open up the drawer for your makeup; you weren't going to put makeup on, you were going to dig through it until you felt something sharp and when you did you smiled. "Time to numb the pain.." You muttered to yourself as you thought, 'I'm worthless..'

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