Chapter 5: it takes two

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Chapter 5

                The rest of the day passed by uneventfully.

At lunch, Bryson tried striking up conversation with me, but failed. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and Hailey possibly being together. Why would he cheat on me? We were happy… or so I thought. I mean, no, I haven’t had sex with him yet. We both said we’re saving that for a special day together.

At the end of the day, I was at my locker when I felt a pair of arms snake themselves around my waist.

“Hey babe,” Bryson whispered in my ear, causing a pleasant shiver to run through my body.

“Hey hot stuff,” I responded, leaning into him. I closed my locker and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck. I looked into his mesmerizing light blue eyes with the flecks of gray that caught my attention the moment I first saw him.

“Are you still coming over today?” He asked hopefully, pecking me on my forehead.

“Yeah, of course. What time?” I questioned. He pondered about the time for a second, putting on an adorable thinking face, “Now,” He responded, grinning cheekily.

I giggled at the goofy grin on his face, “Alright, I’ll follow you to your house since I took my car today. Rainne has to stay after school so I won’t be driving her home.” He just nodded at my statement, taking my hand and starting to pull me towards the school parking lot.

I glanced behind me, at the almost empty school hallway. I spotted Declan, who had a scowl on his face. He was sending a dirty look in Bryson’s direction. I wondered what that was for, still looking at him until we turned a corner and I could no longer see him.

The second I walked into Bryson’s room, his lips crashed onto mine while he shoved me against a wall. Almost immediately, I responded to his kiss, our lips moving together, but not so much in sync. He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gave to him right away. His tongue moved differently in my mouth. I know that probably sounds weird, but I’ve been with Bry for a long time. I know how he makes out with me, and this is not how he usually does it.

He picked me up and threw me on his bed, hovering over me for a second before I felt his lips again. I felt his hand slip under my shirt and I gasped, giving him an opportunity to start kissing my neck. Bite, suck, bite, suck, suck, bite, suck, repeat. Yeah, that’s gonna leave a mark.

Once he did that on my sweet spot on my collarbone, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted him. Now. I ripped his shirt off his body, my hands roaming all over his perfectly muscled body. I lightly dragged my finger nails down his abs, a husky moan coming from his mouth. I smirked, loving the effect I had on him. This only made him want me more, and he was quickly taking off every article of clothing off my body while I did the same.

Good thing his parents weren’t home yet, cause I was loud. And before you ask, no, we didn’t do it, but of course we did everything else and let me tell you, it was good.

We were cuddling on his bed, watching some Family Guy, laughing at what Peter said together. I couldn’t help but think about how perfect things were between us right now. Maybe I was wrong earlier, maybe he isn’t cheating on me. I mean, if he was, do you think he would have done what he did with me?

Bryson turned to me, “Abs, do you want to come to my cabin with me this weekend? My parents won’t be there and I feel like it will be the perfect time for, well you know…” he said trailing off, smiling brightly.

I smiled back, “So you’ve got everything for our special night planned out, huh?” I asked.

“Of course babe, it’s going to be the best night of our lives.”

I just grinned at him. He was so sweet, trying to make our night as special as possible.

Bryson got up, saying he had to pee. I started getting up to stretch, but stopped when I saw Bry’s phone light up. Walking to where it was on his dresser, half naked. He got a text. I looked at the preview of the text on the lockscreen and froze when I saw what it said, unlocking his phone so I could read more.

Boy, was I wrong about what I said earlier. Things were far from perfect between us at the moment.

Hailey: I had fun this morning, you really know what you’re doing. Same thing tonight? ;)

Holy fuck, I was right. He is cheating on me. I mean, what else could she have been referring to in that text? They were both late and she looked like she had a hookup before class when she walked in this morning. And the thing that got me is, they planned to do it again.

To say I was furious when Bryson walked back into his room was an understatement. He noticed the angry look on my face, looking concerned, “What’s wrong, buttercup?” he asked.

I threw his phone at him, which he caught easily, reading over the text. His eyes snapped up to mine, fear in the blue depths of his eyes.

“Abrianna, I can explain-“ He started, but I cut him off, venom seeping from my voice when I said, “Ya know what Bry? Don’t,” I said, putting up my hand, “Save it. Keep her,” I scrunched up my face in disgust, referring to Hailey, before walking out of his room. He started running after me, frantically trying to explain what happened, saying it wasn’t his fault, she came onto him, and all that bullshit. I got so angry, I just snapped.

“LISTEN ASSHOLE, I don’t want to hear your fucking explanation. Cheating isn’t something you can blame on the other person. It takes two people to do what you did. Therefore, it is your fault. Even if she did come onto you, you acted on it. You let her do it, and did nothing to stop her obviously. You’re a liar and a cheater, and I fucking hate you,” putting emphasis on the word hate, “I wish I never even dated you. You were a waste of my time. I should’ve known not to trust a player like you, thinking I could change the school’s player was the worst mistake I’ve ever made. And to think I ever loved a guy like you. I’m done with you. Goodbye Bryson.” I spat at him, running to my car, starting it, and screeching the tires as I drove away.

Speeding to Rae’s and running into the guest bedroom once I got there, I tried holding in the tears. I tried to convince myself that this didn’t hurt me, but that was the biggest lie I could try to tell myself. Bryson broke me more than I already was. Lying on the bed, balling my eyes out and thinking about every single thing possibly wrong with my life, I kept thinking the same thing over and over in my head,

How many times can I break till’ I shatter?

A/N: i hate my writing and i'm not feeling this story.. should i continue writing it..?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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