Part 1 11/22/15 The Beginning

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I grew, I grew! I could see the tip of my head in the mirror, I hope mommy would notice!

"Sang, get down here!" Mommy calls. I step out of the bathroom and run toward the kitchen as fast as my little legs could go, all the while feeling happy!

Did she finally remember? Does she have a surprise for me? Did she get me a present? I step into the kitchen with mommies back facing me. "Yes ma'am," I say in whisper-shout, so I can gain her attention without scaring her.

Mommy doesn't like it when I call her "mommy" she says that bad girls like me don't deserve a mommy... So she told me for now on I have to call her "ma'am."

Mommy turns towards me and scowls. "Sang me and your sister are going out, while I'm out I want this house spotless. Your father is bringing a friend over. So this house has to be clean before then."

I look at her in shock and sadness, so she didn't remember after all... Mommy must see my emotions written on my face because she asks " what's wrong with you? "

" It's... just... how can you forget my birthday? " I say with my head hanging down and my voice soft. Silence is all That greets me..., then all of a sudden I hear laughter. My head shoots up and I look at my mommy who is doubling over laughing. I don't understand why tho this is nothing funny.

All of a sudden she instantly stops laughing and looks at me with pure hatred in her eyes. " Sang... Sang... Sang... Let me spell this out for u I could give two shits about your birthday okay... Your a worthless piece of shit and you don't deserve nothing!" With every word that came out of her mouth she took one step towards me until she ended up right in front of my face yelling. I couldn't understand why mommy hates me. What did I do wrong! " Bu-but mommy wha-," I realize my mistake but it's to late.

Mommy slaps me so hard on the face that I fall backwards onto my butt. I slowly cup my cheak as silent tears fall down my face. Why? That's all I could think. This is the first time that mommy has ever hit me before. I've never done nothing wrong, I've always done everything mommy has told me. Even my school moved me up an grade cuz I'm so "intelligent" and "mature" yet she still says I'm a bad girl...

I look back a my mommy in fear, she looks shock but her eyes show wonder. Then all of a sudden theirs nothing. She straightens up and walks out of the the house into the waiting car with Marie like nothing ever happened...

Little did I know was that little slap was the first to many and the opening to so much more...
Was that the real reason she become mute? Or was their something more????


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