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"Hey there beautiful what's your name?"
I looked up only to connect a pair of blue-gray eyes. He had soft brown hair cut cleanly around his ears. He was broad shouldered and had a handsome smile.

And that smile was smiling at me! 'Why is he even talking to me? And why did he call me beautiful?' I thought while scooting away from him putting much needed space between us.

After a few moments of silence and me just staring at him his smile falters. The corner of his lip starts to drip down, turning into a frown.(A/N lol rhymes) "Hey what's up with you, shy or something?" He say's. I nod my head, blushing from embarrassment. I know that's not the real reason but it's true I am shy. And I really do not want people to know what I am, I just want a regular day with nobody bothering me for once.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but someone behind him cut him off.

"Rocky," said a deep voice.

This guy, Rocky, stopped staring at me and we both turned to see a tall guy behind him. His head was shaved clean and he also had broad shoulders like Rocky. There was a wide scar on his left cheek and thick, dark eyebrows. Other than the scar, he reminded me of  a younger Vin Diesel.(A/N Yes I did use some of CL description from her book)

"Stop harassing the poor girl." He said.

"Fuck off Jay! I'll never do that to Rocky's girl."

"Rocky's girl huh? How did she earn that title?" Jay said while raising one thick eyebrow at Rocky. But before Rocky can answer he beat him to it. "You know what I don't even want to know. Anyways I came here to tell you that Mike's calling you and he's been trying to grab your attention but you were to busy talking to 'Rocky's Girl'."

"Well he can wait," Rocky snapped back. He turned back to me and flashed me a smile showing clean teeth. "Anyways where were we..."

"He said it was important," Jay rushed out. I didn't have no idea what was happening but I was glad that this Rocky guy was leaving. He was making me uncomfortable with the intense stare he was giving me.

"Fine, damn it!" With that Rocky stomped off to the front of the bus where this chubby guy was. Leaving me with Jay...

I look up to Jay feeling nervous to be with alone with yet another guy, well the most alone you can get with a bus full of teenagers. He was checking me out not even bothering trying to hind it.

"Hey you ok?" He asks.

I nod my head, ready for him to leave if that was all he was going to say. But he just keeps looking at me, so I turn away from him looking at the scenery outside pass as we head to school. I feel the seat drip down as someone sits next to me and I can guess who it is. I turn to him, looking at him with my best 'why are you still here face.'

"Why are sitting over here by yourself? Don't you have any friends?" He asks, pressing for me to answer him, even though I cannot.

'No,' I answer in my head, 'I wish.'

"Why aren't you answering me?"

'Cuz I can't or he will find out.'

He just keeps staring at me until a mischievous smile forms his face. And he does the most shocking yet most wonderful thing in the world...

Sorry, sorry, sorry!* throws candy at all the people* I know I kinda didn't post for a while. And once again I'm sorry! But I want to thank everybody who's read and voted for this FF! When I saw the views I literally jumped up and down screaming "YES!!" And I hope you guys stick with me to the end! BYE!
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