Part 4 Yet he Did... (12/24/15)

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I want to dedicate this chapter to wissaldixseptante because she was right he does knows ASL (American Sign Language). And when they sign it will be written this way. Just wanted everyone to know.

He just keeps staring at me until a mischievous smile forms his face. And he does the most shocking yet most wonderful thing in the world...
"Is this better?" He signs.

I was shocked, my jaw ajar and eyes wide. I stared at him, not believing what I just saw. I mean nobody that I ever met knew sign language, yet he did...

Taking in my shocked experssion, he smirks at me. That smirk snapped me out of my limbo and I reply.

"You can sign. But how?" I ask, not mistaking the awe in my voice. But as soon as I ask the question I regret it. His shoulders sag a little, and his eyes instantly turn hurt and show another emotion... disappointment? But as fast as it came it was gone. He sat up sraight, once again, and gave me a forced smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Someone important to me couldn't sp-hear, so I learned sign language just to communicate with them..." He signed, but with less enthusiasm. I can see that this is kind of a sensitive topic so I reply with as much sincerity showing on my face.

"That's very sweet of you. They are very lucky to have a friend like you..." I replied, sadly. I mean it's true I've never had a friend that would do something like that to me. Well I've never had a friend at all really... Always thinking about how a freak I am and thinking better of their reputation. And who would want to hang out with the mute girl, right?

Jay gives me a small sad smile. Changing the topic we talk for the rest of the ride. Getting to know each other more, talking about any and everything together. Turns out Jay's favorite color is dark blue and he plays football for A.W.

Something about Jay makes me feel safe, protected, and relaxed. I don't feel tense or nervous, I'm not cowering away from him instead I just want to get closer. If this is how it feels to have a friend then it's the greatest feeling in the world! And I never want this to go away.

17 minutes later we make it to the school with 10 minutes to spare, before hoomroom starts. I stand with Jay, walking in front of me. While getting off the bus I am shoved and  people push me aside, impatient to get off the bus. With Jay in front of me he doesn't see what is going on, but I can't expect him to watch me every second so I deal with it. And by deal with it I mean I let people do as they please. Stepping out of the bus I am suddenly shoved, falling forward. My hands instantly go up, eyes closed, bracing myself for the impact, waiting for the pain that never came. Strong arms encircle my waist, stopping me from falling. With my eyes still tightly close I flinch at the unexpected booming voice.

"What the Fuck is wrong with you Danielle?!"
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