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"When you find him or her are you going to leave me?" Kanan asked as a tear dropped down his face.
Ezra wiped the tear away and gave Kanan a big hug and Kanan squeezed him closer to him not ready to let him go.

" I'll....." Ezra began.
Ezra smiled and looked into Kanan's eyes. His eyes were pleading for him to stay.
"Stay. I can't leave my family." Ezra finished.
Kanan let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding.
Ezra sat up and walked to the cockpit. He decided to meditate. Then he felt pain, but it wasn't his. He realized it almost immediately it was his padawan. Ezra smiled sadly at the ship as he followed the pain using the force. Ezra was surprised to see that he was lead to his old tower. Ezra climbed the tower and heard a soft whimpering and a man's voice yelling. "You're coming home with me!" The man yelled. The child cried and it made Ezra's insides turn and flip. Ezra made it to the doorway and force pushed the man to the wall and rushed over to the child. It was a girl, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. Ezra kneeled to the girl after he knew the man was knocked out. "Hello? You are safe now." Ezra confirmed. The girl looked up hugging her hand to her chest. It was wrapped in someone's old dirty shirt. The girl noticed Ezra looking at her hand. She felt safe around him and let him examine it. She cut it with a knife she used to cut her chains with. She had run away from her abusive uncle. Ezra examined the girl's hand and felt sadness as she cried. Then Ezra witnessed something he thought he could only do. Her tears began to float into the air and dance. Then they began to grow and turn into a woman. The woman danced and twirled, when the girl saw that Ezra was watching her she immediately lost focus and the water fell to the floor and dried up. Ezra and the girl locked eyes for a moment. Her eyes were filled with sadness and grief. As the girl looked into the older boy's eyes she saw sadness, grief, and hope. Then she saw him close his eyes in concentration as water began to come out of no where and it made two people a woman and a man. As Ezra moved his hands the duo danced taking the girl's attention away from her hand, which gave Ezra the oppurtunity to heal it with his control over energy. The girl continued watching the duo dancing when she felt a warm sensation on her hand. Ezra finished and saw that the girl was looking at him again.
"Thank you." She force spoke.
Ezra smirked at her and responded.
"What's your name?" Ezra asks through the force.
"My name is..." the girl began but was cut off when Ezra's comm went off.
"Specter 6 back to the ghost!" Kanan yelled.
Ezra reached his hand out to the girl and she took it and went with him.
"Specter 6 coming in, over and out." Ezra replied into his comm link.
"I'm Nadine." The girl finished her earlier statement.
Ezra smiled at her and they made their way to the ghost.

Kanan ushered everyone outside to wait for Ezra.
When Ezra and Nadine was about 10 yards away from the ship they both got the same idea. They raced to the ship. Nadine did a couple of back hand springs and landed perfectly. Then when she heard people behind her she turned around and her face went pale as she looked at the droid.
Ezra ran up to her and shook her shoulders. Then she looked at Kanan and sent him a force message. "Stop staring, Jedi." Nadine said. Kanan looked surprised at the remark and scooted over as Zeb and Sabine stepped forward. They recognized her from somewhere. Then Sabine took off her helmet revealing her face. Nadine's face went pale once more and she took a step back. "Not you guys." Nadine said. Sabine put a hand over her mouth to hold back a sob. Nadine's hands ignited in fire and she had tears in her eyes. Ezra and the crews eyes widened at the sight. Everyone steps back except Ezra whos hands have turned into fire also. Nadine's eyes widened at the sight of Ezra's hands on fire. "Nadine you need to calm down okay or your fire will be out of control." Ezra said calmly. "She's the reason I was with him. She left me and never returned even though she knew how he was! She just dumped off like a pile of trash!" Nadine yelled as she nodded her head towards Sabine.
"Im sorry!" Sabine yelled at Nadine. Nadine had tears coming down her
"It's too late for sorry! You don't do that people. Especially......." Nadine began as her voice cracked.
"You don't do that to your own freaking little sister. What did I do to deserve 11 freaking years of abuse and beatings?!" Nadine said as she fell to her knees. Ezra ran over to Nadine who cried into his shoulder. Sabine tried to come and comfort her sister but she was stopped when her siater spoke again. Nadine stood leaning on Ezra for suppprt with her head down and her hair covering her face. Nadine sniffed and put her hand up as Sabine tried to come towards her. Nadine pulled her head up high and said, "I dont want any of your pity, sorries, or hugs. I just want to be left alone." Ezra started to walk away but Nadine grabbed his wrist and asked through the force, " No, wait. Will you stay with me? I around you." Ezra nodded and they walked into the ghost to one of the empty cabins. Ezra laid Nadine down on the bed and she fell asleep after that. Ezra walked out of the cabin to bump into Sabine. Ezra gave her a hug and she cried into his shoulder. "Tell me what happened." Ezra said.

* Should Sabine tell him the story? if so put in some ideas. If not tell me why and Ezra will just ask Nadine.

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