Story 2 that has no name

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Jimin stared at Yoongi from the sofa as the oldest furiously wrote down lyrics on his notebook, at the other end of the small room. He loved watching his hyung work because it inspired him to practice harder.
His phone vibrated and he proceeded to scroll through the load of twitter notifications. He loved reading the fans' creative 140 character phrases.
He suddenly came across a gif of Yoongi laughing like an idot. "Haha I love your smile" he said to himself louder than he wanted to.

"What?" Yoongi looked up at him.
"I said I love your smile. Hyung you should laugh more often" Jimin said turning red.

"Stop flirting with me Park Jimin"
Jimin laughed and threw his phone to the right.
"I'm not flirting with you. That would be weird. And grose" he lied.

"Oooh! Grooooose I see." Yoongi said while pretending to be hurt as he dramatically threw his hands in the air. Jimin started laughing but then stopped when the older started walking towards him.
"Why did you stop? I love your laugh too" Yoongi smirked and jumped ontop of Jimin. He pushed the younger flat on the couch and squeezed his knees as he sat on top of Jimins stomach.

"Is this weird?" He said while he moved closer towards Jimins face. He grabbed the youngers arms before he could battle himself free.

"Is this grose?" He said moving in closer. He could see Jimin's eyes glaring at him with surprise and his face scarlet red. Yoongi couldn't stop himself from laughing at the paniked face. He laughed and laughed so loudly like he had never before.
Jimin knew then how in love he had become he sat, Yoongi still on his lap, and placed his hands on his hyung's waist. He leaned closer and waited until Yoongi stopped laughing to gently place his lips on him.
"It'll never be weird, sorry I said that"

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