Assassin AU

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Yoongi's sweat dripped down the side of his face. He had been stalking Nam Joon for weeks now. He looked through his franco gun out the small apartment window and into the dim parking lot across the street.
A black Audi parked and out came Nam Joon and his lover. Yoongi pointed at Nam Joon's head and was about to pull the trigger when he was suddenly interrupted by a scream behind him. He fired his franco by accident and turned to see if he had missed. Nam Joon's lover Jin dropped to the floor. "Fuck" Yoongi turned and a strange boy was standing perplexed looking at him.
"What are you doing here?" They both said at the same time. Yoongi stood up quickly and started packing his gun carefully. He grabbed his bag and then the young boy's hand.
"Look I'll explain it to you soon. Right now some really baaad men are going to try and kill me. If I leave you here and they see you, they'll probably kill you too okay. So let's just run away for now."

They both ran downstairs and Yoongi jumped on the frontseat of a black mustag. The young boy unsure on what to do hopped into the passenger's sit and closed his eyes. He could hear gunshosts and feel the car moving around fastly, he became very dizy and prepared to vomit at any second. Suddenly everything went quiet, he oppened his eyes slowly and looked out the mustag's window. The car passed trees and trees at full speed. It came on to a little space between of what seemed like a forest and suddenly stopped. Yoongi opened the young boys door who fell to the floor. He picked up the boy and helped him inside a small cabin.

The young boy sat in a corner and felt something warm on his hands, he looked down and they where bright red. The boy paniked but then realised it wasn't his blood but the old's. He looked up at Yoongi who was taking of his jacket and letting himself drop on the floor.

"You're hurt. I'll help you just tell me where"

Yoongi looked up at the boy and smiled he lifted his shirt revealing a bruise followed by a slash that went up and down his rib.
"My name is Jimin" the young boy said while crouching next to Yoongi who just remained there still looking at him. "It's not deep so it'll be okay. I'll just clean it up and you'll be fine" Jimin smiled and looked around for useful medic stuff which of course where scarce.

He cleaned Yoongi's wound and the man complained.
"What where you doing at your house?"
"What?" Jimin asked
"I asked what where you doing at your house. My intel said that the owner wouldn't be home in weeks"
"Oooh! My boyfriend broke up with me so I came back" the young boy answered confused.
"I see... Wait you're gay?"
"Yes, why? Do have a problem with that?"
"No of course not! It's just that... I won't fall in love with you if you tend my wounds right?"
"What kind of dumbass question is that? I have gone to the nurse's office hundreds of times and I'm still gay as fuck. I believe you'll stay straight idiot." Jimin replied angry and pushed Yoongi away.

"Hey no wait I'm sorry! I was just jocking with you. You know. Trying to break the ice a little. Truth is I'm not good with people. And you're the first human I talk to in days." He said moving closer to Jimin. The boy laughed at the stupid statement but continued cleaning the wound.

After he was done he left Yoongi alone and went to wash his hands.
"What's your name?" He shouted from the bathroom, but got no response. "Sir?" He walked towards Yoongi and the man was staring at him dazed. "What now?"

"Why are you asking stupid questions too? Aren't you afraid of me?"
"Well you did say baaad men where gonna kill me so I asumed you worked for the government... you don't?" Jimin backed away and Yoongi stood up.
"Yeah I do. I'm sorry. Min Yoon Gi." He streched out his hand so Jimin could shake it. The boy moved carefully towards Yoongi just in case.
"How much time are we gonna stay here?"
"Just until my boss comes to tell me everything's fine" Yoongi moved to the back of the room and threw himself on the bed. "We'll be okay, I promise. I'll let you sleep with me if you're afraid." He laughed and turned around.
Jimin stood there siletly until he heard Yoongi snore. He moved closer to the boy and sat on the floor. - As if - he layed on the floor and closed his eyes.

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