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agitated, impatient, or restless.

Going to school that following Monday didn't seem real to Niall. In fact, he felt like he was stuck in a dreamland he could never wake up from the entire weekend. It was like there was a permanent blush etched onto Niall's cheeks, like his heart was stuck in overdrive and unwilling to slow down. Honestly, he wasn't sure how he was even still alive. How was he breathing without feeling like the wind was being knocked out of him? How was he still walking and talking and eating and living like a normal human being after everything that happened this weekend? Because if anyone were to ask, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to answer at all—he just didn't know.

He hadn't seen Harry ever since their kiss in the middle of his bed, and he wasn't sure what he was going to do when he saw him either. Would they still be normal (well, normal for Harry and Niall, of course) around each other, or would things be awkward and tense and weird and—somehow, Niall had this strong feeling deep down inside that Harry had regretted asking Niall to kiss him, that he'd made a huge mistake and wished it never happened to begin with. Of course Niall couldn't know that for sure, he'd just put thoughts into his own head that were making him go crazy, but he couldn't help it. Especially not when perfection in the flesh, Harry Styles, kissed little old Niall; Niall who was just Niall, nothing spectacular, nothing to give, whereas Harry was everything. He was everything and more and Niall couldn't help but think that Harry could deserve better. 'Cause he could, right? Harry could have any girl or guy in the entire school he wanted, but somehow he settled for Niall, and if that wasn't a complete mystery, then honestly, what was?

The loud slamming of metal lockers and an urgent hand waving in front of Niall's dazed gaze interrupted him from his cluttered thoughts and back into real life, back to reality. Niall blinked a few times to get himself to focus again, meeting the chocolate eyes of his best friend Evan. "Earth to Niall." He sang, snapping his fingers with furrowed, confused eyebrows. "You there?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Niall nodded, shaking his head like he was trying to rid himself of every thought that pertained to Harry Styles, because if he kept them up there was no way he'd make it through the rest of the day unscathed.

"Why're you being weirder than usual?" Evan squinted his eyes at the blond stood beside him suspiciously. Niall hadn't told him about what went down with Harry yet, but he knew he'd have to soon enough. Because somehow—and still, after all these years, Niall wasn't sure how he did it at all—Evan had a way off finding out any and every single thing known to man. He was like a teenaged Sherlock Holmes. It was weird.

"No reason." Niall shrugged. Maybe he'd tell him later. Preferably not at school.

"You're up to something." Evan accused his best friend, and see? He was always right. "You're up to something, or you've done something, I know it, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it, you already know I will."

Niall stayed quiet because it was all true. It was true and he was the worst liar known to man so there was no possible way he'd be able to make up some lame excuse saying otherwise. He wasn't that creative either, so.

"What'd you do?" Evan stopped Niall from continuing to walk down the nearly empty hallway (lunch had started almost ten minutes ago) by placing a hand on his shoulder and forcing Niall to turn his way. Niall hated being under pressure, he always turned as red as a freshly grown beet every time. "Did something happen with Harry?" He whispered like he didn't want anyone around them to hear.

God, he was good. Evan was so good at reading Niall's mind. Which was a blessing at times, but also one of the biggest curses as well.

Niall chewed on his lower lip anxiously, fidgeted with his fingers like he always did when he was in a certain mood, turned an even darker shade of red, and yeah. Something did happen with Harry and it was magical. The best (and only) kiss he'd ever had. Oh my God, he'd kissed Harry. He kissed Harry!

Divinity + Narry [discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant