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visually attractive, especially in a quaint or pretty style.

Initially, Niall hadn't planned on telling his mum anything about Harry. And it wasn't that he didn't want her to know because that wasn't the case. For one, he wasn't sure how he was supposed to let her know. Although she had her suspicions and Niall knew she did, he didn't know what to say. Because yeah, he liked Harry, he liked him a lot, and there was something going on between them (even though Niall wasn't quite sure how to label that something yet), but that was why Niall was conflicted. And two, Niall's mother was kind of a nut case to put it in the nicest way. Once Niall spilled the beans, she'd never let him hear the end of it. And while Niall loved his mother, he loved her dearly, he wasn't in the mood to be teased about what enormous crush he had on Harry. Because it would happen, it would, and that was definitely something he wasn't ready for just yet.

Keeping Harry and their date a secret—which wasn't really a secret at all per se, but more of a withholding of the truth—proved to be pretty difficult. There was only so long before Niall could get away with his blushing cheeks and his smiling down at his phone for long periods of time and quiet murmurs when he was away in his room to talk on the phone. There was only so long that Niall's mum would fully catch on. And that she did.

"Mum." Niall whined. His eyes scrunched and his hands flew up to card his fingers through his hair stressfully, and he wasn't ready for this at all, but it was way too late now. "Please, it's not that big of a deal. Please don't make it into a big deal."

And yeah, kind of slash sort of dating Harry Styles was a big deal, it was a huge one, but it was something that should be a huge deal for him and him only. Wasn't something for him and his mum to share.

Niall's mum pursed his lips, shaking her head, "'M not." She insisted. Bullshit, Niall wanted to say but he knew better not to open his mouth. "Just—oh, my baby's growing up."

Why having a crush was equivalent to growing up, Niall had no clue, but again, it wasn't a massive deal and Niall wasn't sure why his mother was making it seem that way.

Maybe because he'd never done anything like this before. Niall never had anyone besides Harry to talk about, never had anyone to bring over or anyone to take home and meet his parent or anyone he almost, nearly had the chance of being with. Maybe his mum was just happy for her son, maybe she was just as excited for Niall as he was for himself. Was it such a crime?

It wasn't a crime, no, but it was annoying. It was very annoying, but Niall chose not to complain. Maybe if he let his mother gloat she'd eventually stop. Hopefully.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date? And why am I just now hearing about this Harry?"

Niall's cheeks began to blaze without his permission, ducking his head to hide the look on his face once Harry's name was mentioned. It always happened, happened every single time.

"'Cause it's not a big deal, ma." Niall muttered shyly. "It's just, I don't know. S'weird. You're very weird. And... out there. No offense, ma, but you're out there."

Because Niall's mum was an eclectic soul. She was an eccentric human being, loud and bright like sizzling firecrackers, and she wasn't afraid of anything. Niall's mother was a fearless woman—she was funny and she was kooky and she was just a smudge crazy, but Niall loved her with his entire heart. She sometimes—oftentimes—embarrassed the hell out of him, and he wasn't embarrassed of her at all, 'cause she was her own person and Niall admired her for that, but she embarrassed him more than he could keep track of.

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