00:32 [!]

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reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else.

(just a heads up, there's some slight mature content in this chapter so if you're not into that kind of thing feel free to skip, if you are please enjoy.)

Niall wasn't sure what was going on inside of his best friend's mind that would make him say such a thing, that would make Evan have the nerve to bring up a topic that one, he had no business talking about at all, and two, shouldn't have even cared for one bit, but Niall wasn't sure if he wanted to find out. Evan was known for embarrassing Niall most of the time; he liked to do and say things he knew would make Niall shiver with nerves, knew would get his cheeks scorching and his blues eyes going wide just for his own personal enjoyment. And really, Evan could fuck off for all Niall cared. And right now, he wanted him to do just that: fuck off and never come back. Well, at least not for a while.

"What?" Evan tried to play it cool like he had no idea why Niall was so self conscious all of a sudden, tried to act like he was completely clueless, which definitely was not the case at all. "I'm just saying, you two have been dating for how long now and you still haven't even at least seen his dick?"

And—okay. Wow, Evan was something, Niall always knew that, but this honestly wasn't the kind of conversation he wanted to have with his best friend right now. It just wasn't and Niall didn't think it'd ever be either. Besides, he could throw Evan's lack of a love life right back at him if he wanted to, but Niall wasn't like that. First of all, even if this was Evan he was dealing with, Niall was a pretty nice person. He was respectful, always knew not to cross certain boundaries, always knew how to mind his own business as well. It wouldn't be fair anyway to throw Evan under the bus like that. He didn't really want to know how Evan's love life was going even if he had one in the first place.

Niall liked to think he'd be the first one to know if Evan was seeing someone, too. Because, come on. They told each other everything, so it was only fair, right?

Since Niall hadn't replied yet, still sitting there petrified, face as red as can be, Evan took this as a sign to continue with whatever it was that he was saying before. Great. "He basically just professed his love for you, too. You had the perfect opportunity to suck his dick right then and there, Niall, what is wrong with you?"

What was wrong with Niall? Everything. Did Evan think Niall hadn't thought about these things before because he had. He thought about it a lot and sometimes he still did, too, it was just. He was just terrified. This wasn't something as simple as hand holding or lip locking or even sparking up conversations, this was huge. This was so huge to Niall, and thinking about moving onto that next level scared the living day lights out of him. This was something he feared the most, if he was honest—his anxiety was running on high.

"You say that like it's so easy." Niall spoke quietly, started nibbling at his bottom lip out of nerves instead of chewing on his nails like he usually would. He always thought about how much Harry hated when he did that in his mind.

"Because it is." Evan deadpanned like it was a matter of fact. "Just grab his dick and shove it in your m—"

"Okay, okay! That's enough!"

"Okay as in 'yes Evan, I will suck Harry's dick' or—"

"Okay as in shut up. Please."

"Fine." Evan held his hands up in defense. "Fine, but I still think you two should give it a go."

Niall huffed, rolled his eyes, turned away from Evan so that his back was facing him. "Why don't you find your own dick to suck since obviously you're so obsessed with them."

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