Part 1

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Hello all and welcome to my newest story. I literally came up with this because I dreamt about it one night except I was in it and when I woke up I was like, I could totally put our favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! characters into this! So yeah that's how this messed up story came to be. So get ready for Halloween story of the year.

Quick Warning!: I am gonna warn you all now, this is gonna get dark, like I will be completely screwing up Yugi's mental state here. So if you just plain don't like that sort of thing, I suggest you be careful in the later chapters.

Also last note this is gonna be puzzleshipping so if you aren't a fan of yaoi I'm warning you now that it is in here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Byakuya High School

You may or may not recognize the name. It is a fairly small school with only a total of 20 teachers. Five for each grade, with some teaching multiple subjects obviously and somewhere around 200 students in all.

Don't be fooled though. This isn't just some small little country school that has no problems. It does have a reputation after all, but those that find out what it is, don't usually last long enough to tell the tale, or are just far too afraid to talk.

Don't worry I'll tell you what's really going on here.

Here in this high school two people hold the crowns and rule the school. The Slash King and the Stab Queen.

Let's talk about the Slash King first, since he was the first to show up.

It all started one day when everyone came into school and on every board in the school had the same message written across it: Teachers are not to give homework, or there will be consequences.

Of course none of the teachers believed it for a second, they just figured it was some kid trying to pull a prank. Now some teachers weren't planning on giving any homework anyways, them being the lucky ones. Other teachers didn't give any, not because they believed it, but figured some kid set up a stink bomb or something someplace and didn't feel like being the target, but for the teachers that didn't listen and still gave it, well you're about to find out how the Slash King got his name.

There were exactly 2 teachers who still dared to give homework that day. The next morning they were both found in their respective rooms, on their desks, with their throats slashed open.

Reportedly, they were both asked to stay after school by some students that day. Now the police first thought one of the students was the guilty party, logically, but all came out with alibis with many witnesses proving none of them did it. No other leads had come up either, leaving the killings a mystery.

That was only the tale of the first time he struck. It was not the last. The next one was a student named Alister. That day the message was left on the board by the king that said: Do not use your cell phone while in school. After the last incident with the teachers, everyone was too scared to mess around with it not wanting to end up like them. Everyone except Alister that is. He bragged about using his phone flaunting it around and daring the King to come and get him, thinking he was going to prove the King's existence false. He was found the following morning in the staff room with a slit open throat, just like the teachers.

No one doubted his existence anymore.

His victims were sometimes students, sometimes teachers, not even the administrators were safe. No one could figure out who the culprit was, all they knew was as long as you followed the rules that the king left, you would be safe, for that day anyways.

The Slash King is feared far more than the Stab Queen is, it's just a fact. No one in the school ever wants to cross him.

Now let's talk about the Stab Queen though, for she does hold the second crown, and the students are wary of her.

She appeared around 6 months after the Slash King. At first no one even thought it was a different person, students were found in the staff room dead all the same, that was until she struck on a day without a rule. Now even though the Slash King would kill without mercy should you break one of his rules, he never killed someone without "reason", so to say. The only reason he would strike is if his rule was broken, he would never strike unless that condition was met. The Stab Queen is different though, she strikes at random.

It all started one day when the infamous school prep queen Vivian was found in the faculty room dead by multiple stab wounds to the stomach. Many thought she was just another victim of the King, but the smart ones realized that the King never killed that way. The King was precise and fast, slit the throat and he was done, the Queen on the other hand was far more violent and left many more wounds on the body. The students that recognized this realized that there was a new ruler in the school, a new person to fear striking them. Yet many for some reason didn't believe that she was a different person, mostly because she struck on the same days as the King. That is until the day she didn't.

This time the victim was Vivian's old boyfriend, Duke. Most knew him as the best looking guy in school and all wanted to be with him. That is, wanted anyways. See he was the victim that proved the Queen's existence. That day everyone was relaxed because there was no message from the King. Everyone did as they pleased thinking they were safe for the day. Yet the next day in the staff room, low and behold, Duke was found dead by the stab wounds to the stomach and so the Stab Queen earned her name.

The Stab Queen acted very differently from the King. You never really knew when she was going to strike, as her attacks were random, the only pattern between her victims is that they were all students, never once was there a teacher who became a victim.

Neither have been discovered for their true identities and possibly never will.

As you could guess the transfer rates were very low for this school as parents didn't want their kids getting killed. The smart parents anyways. If you were smart you wouldn't come here either, you probably won't last long enough to graduate.

Alright that's all for now, don't worry this was just an introductory chapter and others will be longer, this is just setting the premise. See you all next time! R&R plz and tell me what you think!

Just to let you all know I will be updating this every Sunday.

P.S. Byakuya is actually referencing something, see if you can figure it out XD Clue: It is not Bleach or Inuyasha.

Reign of the Slash KingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant