Turns Out I Am A Goddess

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SNAP, I jerked awake. I looked towards the bottom of my queen sized bed. Bruno, the cutest puppy in the world, was snoring his off. I laughed and layed back down. My eyes drifted shut when I heard it again. I slip out of my bed and find my window, then I was blinded by a very bright light. I put a book slanted over my face to block it. That's when I figure out its happening...a wildfire. I burst out of my room running around the house screaming my head off.

"FIRE! FIRE! GET UP! THERE'S A FRIKKING FIRE!" The house was soon filled with chaos. I grabbed my baby sister's,Sapphire, hand and took her out of the house. I ran towards the car and a flaming tree fell on it. Great, just my luck. That's when I see a way out. I cradled my sister in front of me, making sure she will be safe, and ran down the driveway.

My feet are killing me but I don't stop running. I'm scared but don't look back. I have to get Sapphire to safety, I thought with determination. Then I see him... a man? His back was facing me, and his arms were waving through the darkened air. I narrowed my eyes. What was he doing with he fire? I stop at a clearing about a half a mile from the fire. I turn to look at Sapphire with demanding.
"I need you to stay here honey, okay?" She nods and I dashed back to the direction of the fire. I stop, my lungs struggling for air, when something yanked hard at my arm and is pulled me into the fiery ashes of wood. That's where I blacked out . The last thing I know is that I saw darkness. A voice in my head calls out, more like yelled,
"HOW DARE YOU! DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM!? I AM ARTIMIS!!!! AND YOU WILL GO TO PUNISHMENT!" Why is she threatening him?Wait the moon goddess? Oh shit. Staring with horror in her eyes, Sapphire started screaming. Oh no, she was supposed to stay where she was. then I hear it the same voice whisper in my inner ear...
"It is over now. You have fully awaken my dear daughter." Eyes widening, I gasped. Did she just say daughter?
"Did you say that I was your daughter?"
"I will answer your questions later,right now you need to get your sister and follow her to Olympus.

My normal life was over now. I streaked towards my sister to see what will happened

So do you like it (just so we are clear this is the first book I wrote ok) Please comment and if you can figure a name for the little sister I will gladly appreciate it. Oh and if you want to help with this you are welcome to do so...Just send me a message and I will reply as soon as I can, Thanks!

Life As A Teenage GoddessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora