I Did Not See It Coming!!!

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Wow, that was unexpected. I can't stop thinking about who that woman in my head was talking about. I walked down the driveway to find Sapphire,only to find her missing. I start shouting her name as loud as I could. She comes into view but something was not right. Sapphire was with that man in the black cloak, his hand on her arm. I ran toward her to find her gazing into my eyes . Wait a minute, when did she have purple eyes. I reached for her hand and her eyes turn to its original color, blue. She tried to reach me but he would not let her.
"Let her go please." I said ,trying my best to keep calm. He looks at me and chuckles in that weird way.
"And what are you going to do about it, little girl." he had a cane/staff thing in his hand.
"I am asking you- Did you just call me a little girl. AH HELL NO!" I was going to kick his ass back all the way to Hades. I gave him the look. You know the I'm gonna rip you to pieces look. I started to walk away,when he grabbed my shoulder. I did the impossible. Flipping him over my head, I raced to my sister. I picked her up and ran as fast as my feet would let me. When I got through the thick branches in the woods, the indescribable feeling of wind blowing through my long,black hair made me glance upward.
My eyes grew wide when I see tree tops. I'm flying. I glanced to see if my sister was okay but she wasn't there. I started looking around me to see if she was anywhere but she was nowhere to be seen . I feel a tap on my shoulder. I see her smiling.
"Uh why are you smiling Sapphire ?" I asked confused. she sure seems happy.
"Oh just the fact that I wanted to try making us fly. Is everything okay?" Wait she said try. Does that mean...
"What do you mean make us fly. This isn't the first time flying, right?" I'm trembling with fear.
"Well yeah, I meant that I can fly and make other people fly too!"
"Oh okay. Well I'm going to pass out now, so if we could land that would be nice. Thank you." I start seeing black dots around my eyes as I am going to another world.

Well what do you think? If you have anything to say just comment and hope you liked this chapter!!!!!!!!

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