1st Morning

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I woke up with a sudden weight on me. I open my eyes and saw that Jun as laying across my stomach. He was the only one in my room so I thought that was a little strange. Naturally, I decided to ignore him since he wasn't speaking. Grabbing my phone, barely because he was on top of me, I checked the time. It was only 9 in the morning. Soft snoring came from the human on top of me  Great. He fell asleep. April had texted me asking what time she could come over. I texted her back saying that now was a good time, but to come in via the basement so she wouldn't wake any of the guys up. I trust her so much I kinda gave her keys to my house. I'm the type of person who would lose her keys when I really needed them. It hasn't happened yet but I better be safe than sorry. A few minutes later a knocking appeared on my door. I told them to come in because I wasn't getting up anytime soon. The door opened revealing April. Her mom must have been up to give her a ride. The first thing she said to me was that all of the boys were sleeping still. It's good that she came up unnoticed because the boys would probably freak out and make a really big scene. I do not want to deal with that this early in the morning. "Well what do we have here? Jun is sleeping on you? You better not be cheating on Joshua!" she tells me with a fake shocked expression. "No no no. He just walked in here and flopped down then fell asleep. I don't want to wake him so I didn't bother moving. He'll wake up soon enough. And I am not dating Joshua. We just officially met yesterday." I explain to her. She goes and turns off my music since it was still playing Seventeen. I thanked her for saving me a lot of embarrassment. She sat at the end of my bed and we just talked until Jun woke up. Once he did, he apologized and then went back down to where the other guys were.

April and I got dressed, her choosing my outfit again. Today we went a little more casual, as in an oversized beige sweater, black leggings, red high top converse, and a red bandana with my hair in a messy ponytail. She wore a similar outfit but with a maroon and blue theme. After doing our makeup, we head downstairs to where the guys were. Joshua and Mingyu were already down there and half of the boys were dressed. "I went to the place where we were supposed to stay and I grabbed everyone's clothes. Is it okay if we keep our stuff here?" S. Coups asked me doing a little bit of aegyo. "I don't mind if you guys want to stay here during your trip. We have the guest bedroom and Hansol's bedroom upstairs, and we also have the rooms downstairs. Add in the couches and there should be enough places for everyone to sleep comfortably. My parents aren't going to be home until next Monday so it should be okay." I tell the guys. Wonwoo questioned that I have a basement. I opened the basement door, which also happened to be the door I was standing next to. we all decided to head down there since they were all shocked, except Hansol. They walked downstairs and stare in awe. I had a rather large tv with an X-Box and many games. There was a mini fridge and microwave. It kinda resembles a little apartment now that I think about it. A couch stood near the back door and two recliner chairs surrounded it. There were two extra guest bedrooms down here. One was under the stairs and the other was by the mini kitchen/bar thing. We also had a computer room, filled with video games like the Bookshelves next to the T.V. So basically my basement was a gamer's paradise. The guys were still in shock when we went back upstairs for breakfast. Breakfast consisted of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage, made by my one and only best friend. While they were eating, she told them about how she has been learning Korean. The boys were excited that they could talk to her now seeing as she's my best friend, practically my sister, and she's going to be over here a lot. Hansol questioned how she got in the house. I explained to him why she has a key. He didn't ask anymore questions after that. The boys finished up their breakfast and got dressed 

*These next few chapters are going to be short because I still need to write them. Learning Korean has taken up all my free time in school, but I'll be working on my story soon enough. Also I'm taking request for an imagine book. If you want me to write one, go check it out on my profile now. Saranhaegyo!!*

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