Car Rides & Cart Rides

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^Obsessed with No F.U.N. Wonwoo is just ugh^

We sat for a couple of minutes trying to figure out what to do. Some guys just wanted to walk around in the city while others just wanted to relax. April quickly looked up the address of a close by amusement park and suggested that to the group. Everyone agreed and got ready. April and I made sure we had our phones, our portable chargers, extra make up, ponytails, and our sunglasses. We put them in our amusement park bag (It's just a drawstring bag that they decorated and only use for stuff like this). We met the boys down stairs and tried to figure out the car situation. S. Coups and Jeonghan were driving since they were the oldest. We split up into two minivans. Jeonghan, Joshua, Seungkwan, Woozi, DK, Jun, and I were in one car while S. Coups, Hansol, Wonwoo, Mingyu, DIno, Minghao, Hoshi, and April were in the other. I don't know the exact seating arrangements, but I'm sure that April ended up sitting on someone's, probably Dino's, lap. Our car was the best though. We have the whole vocal team plus Jun and I. Jeonghan and DK sat in the front, Woozi and Seungkwan sat in the middle row, and Joshua, Jun, and I were placed in the back, with me being in the middle. Jeonghan started the car, then pulled out of the driveway. DK turned on the radio. I told him what stations played good music since he obviously doesn't know. I started rocking out to the song playing. Joshua was humming it since he understood the lyrics. The other boys, besides Jeonghan, just look at me. After the song ended, I told DK to press the button so the bluetooth would activate. I turn on my Kpop playlist and the first song to come on was Dope by BTS. They were shocked at first that I listened to kpop. I started singing along and did a miniature version of the dance in my seat. Jun looked at me and asked if I dance. I told him that I did in seventh grade along with gymnastics and I just practiced once I stopped classes. He looked shocked. DK commented, "So you can sing and dance. If only you could rap, then you could be a little mini Seventeen!" We all laughed. Just then Mansae turned on. A smirk grew on my face since I knew the lyrics. I'm about to show my brother up. I perfectly rap his parts throughout the song. Seungkwan just shook his head. "Of course you can sing, dance, and rap. Show off." He said with a hint of jealousy. To make him feel better, I returned with "Maybe, but no one could be as sassy as you Boo oppa!" That made him smile a little bit. The rest of the ride was filled with singing, dancing, and rapping. Everytime Joshua jumped into a song, I died inside a little. His voice is just so perfect. Also hearing Jeonghan sing was angelic. I kept teasing him about it, and everytime he would sing louder. I would pretend to 'faint' to try to trick the boys into thinking he was my bias. It was quite hilarious. The boys still don't know who my bias is. Well Jeonghan does. I think Jun does since he was the one who dared me to kiss Joshua in the first place. Oh well. Honestly I just want to see how long I can keep this secret from them.

Finally we arrive at the amusement park. We all tumble out of our van while I see April get thrown out of hers. And by thrown I mean pushed. She was sitting on Dino's lap and Hoshi was sitting in the seat next to them. Once she opened the door, Hoshi took his chance and pushed her. It was really funny. She jumped up and started yelling at Hoshi in Dutch. That's where I step in and hug her from behind, "holding her back". She calmed down as all of the guys pile out of their van. We all gather by the vans to decide who's paying. I know someone who works here and he got me and April vouchers so that we could bring guests. We're only supposed to bring one guest each. I hope he's here today. I decided to text him since I have his number.

M: Hey are you working today?

J: Hey yeah. My break just got done and I'm heading back to the station

M: Okay great. April and I are here with some friends. I wanted to make sure you were here so I wouldn't get in trouble.

J: Why would you get in trouble? How many people do you have?!

M: ...

I put away my phone and tell the guys to follow me. "Wait how are we going to pay? We don't have that much money." S. Coups questions me as I walk towards the ticket station. "Don't worry about it. I have it covered." I replied. Everyone started to argue back but April silenced them. I walk up to the station, seeing Jackson in his place. He looks at me then at the guys behind me. "Seriously Mia. 13. You're just lucky I love you." He sighs as he rings everyone up. The guys just look at me. "I know. I love you! Have fun working!" We all walk through the gates and to the main lobby place of the park. The guys question me on who that was. "Guys chill. He's a close friend of mine. He also happens to be in another Korean rookie group, GOT7. He's not my boyfriend nor have I ever dated him, Hansol." I answer the guys questions. Besides, I ship Jackson and Mark more than anything. Mark would kill me if I took his man. Some of the boys were hungry so they left to go get food. Hansol was with them so he would text me where they were when they were done. It was me, Joshua, April, Dino, Woozi, and Wonwoo. We all decided to ride some rides. The boys were a little scared at first so I suggested the Ferris wheel. They reluctantly agreed and followed April and I. April fell back after a while, and the other guys walked by me. I looked back and saw that Dino was holding her hand. It took everything in me not to squeal like a little girl. When we got to the Ferris wheel, it was April and Dino in their own while the other guys and I were in a different one. The boys kept teasing Dino until he threatened to cut everyone's hair in their sleep. Then the boys were silent. I decided to spark a conversation.

*So I got my phone taken away for late homework. That means I'll be writing more since all I have is my laptop. I promise that I'll finish writing Day 2 either tomorrow or the day after, so ill be back on my updating schedule of everyday.

 #### IMPORTANT##### 

I need a new character for stuff that going to happen in the future! Please comment if you want to be that person. I'll message you for more information so you can be apart of the story. 

As always don't forget to vote and comment on how you want the story to go. Saranghaeyo!!* 

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