Chapter 4

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    I seated myself on the steps to the cafeteria. Everyone was seated inside already, but I didn't feel like getting anything to eat this morning. Lately, the food has been under cooked, and I don't want to end up like Mira. 

" Why aren't you inside Alison?" I looked up to see Claire. 

" I'm not hungry," I replied. " Besides, something tells me not to eat the food." 

Claire nodded. " I agree with that. Anyway, what's the matter? You seem upset over something." She sat down next to me on the stairs. 

" Nothing. Just the same nightmare. I can't even go to sleep some nights because of it." Claire frowned. " You've been having the same nightmare for about a week now. Please, try and get some sleep, but think positive--then maybe your nightmare will perish." 

I sighed. " Don't you think that's what I've been doing. Claire, this is like reality--I keep having the same dream and it's like I'm getting that scar on my back all over again--the pain still stands." 

Claire was about to say something, but she then looked up. I followed her eyes to find Mira. She crossed her arms. 

" Hey Ali," she said. She turned to Claire and rolled her eyes. " Why don't you move?" 

" Mira, don't be rude to her. What has she done to you?" I asked. 

Mira scoffed. " Please, is that better?" Claire gave me a small smile and went into the cafeteria. Mira chuckled and took Claire's seat next to me. 

" Can't you be nice?" I asked Mira.

" Nice to that girl? She always thinks how awesome she is because of how long she was in the outside world." 

" That doesn't mean you have to be mean to her. Claire's a good friend of mine, as well as Abby--and you know if you piss off Abby, then you'll get it." 

Mira laughed. " Good one Ali. I'm older than her, I can beat her. Anyway, the real reason I'm here is...Well, do you know where Anthony is?" 

I shook my head. " Abby and I went the other day to ask Ms. Coleman, but she just brushed Abby off and made me take Ellen around Shadow Star." 

" So, if I ask Ms. Coleman I would get no where I'm guessing. Crap, then I would have to do some snooping. Will you join me?" 

" Snooping around in Ms. Coleman's office?" I asked. " She's always in there, no matter what--even if someone was on fire, she wouldn't leave." Mira bit her lip. 

" Yeah, you're right. Alright, I would have to ask Abby then. She's the best chance I've got." 

" I'm just asking, but what happened between you and Anthony that night for his birthday?" 

" Me and Anthony?" she laughed. " That's not why I'm asking. It's only for Mara's sake. She had a crush on him, you know--and now she's a wreck that he's missing." 

" Anthony was a player," I told her. " I bet he's just playing around."
" He doesn't play around, and the past disappearances in this place are connecting with his case. I don't think you heard of Susie, right?" I shook my head. 

" She was a girl that disappeared when I was younger," she continued. " Man, that girl was worse than me. She had a lip ring and wore dark eye shadow--always caused trouble and was always seen in Ms. Coleman's office. Man, I hate to see her face now." 

" Maybe they left," I suggested. " Remember that event that happened years ago, where some people had planned to leave Shadow Star--some were successful if I remember correctly." 

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