Chapter 35-Lynn

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Lynn Kramer

Agent: 53

Mission: Not Applicable

Date: September 12th, 2089

Time: 1800

Rap's taken it too far.

He's definitely had it with me at one time or another, but this was not the Rap I used to know. Even if he is feeling pressured with all of this traitor business, I see no excuse to act so immaturely. And throwing accusations around every which way? Maybe this just proves that Rap isn't as good of a Commander as I thought. Maybe, he just needs to step away and see it in a different light.

From the moment Hood left the room, we'd all fallen silent, nothing but the sound of Rap's heavy breathing to meet the air. I looked at him, searching for signs of defeat in his gaze, but his face was steady once more, like nothing had changed. "He wants me to hold a trial," He said. "Then I'll give it to him. First thing tomorrow morning, 0700. No exceptions."

His face was set in stone. I couldn't have argued with him, even if I'd wanted to. I'd just retreated afterwards, unable to control the conflicting emotions rolling around inside me.

Tori's struggling with it too, because while she's usually bubbling with things to talk about, neither of us dare speak. I slouch in my chair, munching on the end of a breadstick. Even when my belly aches of hunger, I don't tear off the chunks like I usually do.

By this time, word has gotten out about the trial tomorrow morning. That, and the news of what happened in our training hour yesterday. It turns out (as I'd expected) that the girl was too far gone to be helped by the time they got to the hospital. The anxiety in the air has risen to an all-time high, and the bits and pieces of conversation that reach me all carry some awkward pause. It's never been like this before. Not that I can remember anyway.

Security is at its best. I've already scoured the crowd for Hood, with no luck. No doubt, he's back in his sleeping quarters, probably reading—and rereading—the section of Commander Pyle's will I left for him. I can't decide if it was a smart decision, telling him, but keeping it to myself any longer just would've made things worse. Come to think of it, I probably should be glad that he's not here.

After a few more minutes of nibbling, I push away from the table. Forget about it. The news of Hood's brother, if anything, should not be my concern. It's not even my sibling! Of course it wouldn't be; my mother already ruled that out years ago. My father, too.

"You're already too much of a handful," He'd say. Then he'd ruffle my hair in that affectionate way.

That's when I might've trusted him to be there for me.

But no matter. Hood's not my problem anymore. And if Rap can accuse him of all of those things, then why doesn't he tell him? Why me? Why should I be responsible for telling him about the brother he never thought he had?

I suppose right now, I'm being dealt the cards that nobody wants. But I can only hope that it doesn't stay that way.


Dread washes over me before I have the chance to remember.

I check the time. 0630.

I struggle, as I rise from the bed, to stumble over to the dresser and find a suitable pair of clothes to change into. The sheets are basically drapes this early in the morning, as they often are in all my kicking and rolling. I take a quick shower and pull on my training gear from the day before, since it's not in bad shape, but give it a cautious sniff, searching for the scent of blood. The way it had seeped through the girl's shirt, sticking to her, hot as it melted into her skin and rolled onto the carpet. The way I had closed my eyes, struggling to staunch the crimson running across my vision.

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