Chapter Two

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“Things don’t need to last forever to be perfect.” 

Chapter Two 

“Coffee?” Eve asked brightly and grabbed the pot from Michael. 

“Sure,” Mrs. Danvers said. “Thank you, dear. So-did you say that man is a relative of yours?” She glanced at Bishop who was retreating in to the dining are in the living room, the “formal” dining. I watched and almost growled when the young man vamp winked at Claire. 

“Nope,” Eve finally answered Mrs. Danvers’ question. “Distant relative of Michael’s. From Europe, you know? Cream?” she asked. 

“Eggs are done,” Claire said. “Eve-”

“I hope we have enough plates,” Eve said. She was being way to congenial and that was a sign of pure panic for her. “Jeez, I have never thought I’d say this, but where’s the good china? Is there good china?” she asked. 

“Meaning plates without chips in the edges? Yeah. Over there.” I pointed to a cabinet above Eve’s head. She glared at me. “Don’t look at me-I’m not reaching for it. Still wounded, you know.” Claire frowned at me and subconsciously ran her hand over my side gently, biting her lip. Eve climbed up on the counter and reached the plates, handing the, down to Claire. Claire took my place and stirred my sad looking gravy. I watched her, standing close. 

“That girl,” she said quietly. 

“What girl?” I frowned. 

“The-you know. Out there.”

Uh oh. “You mean the bloodsucker? Yeah, what about her?” I asked. 

“She was staring at you,” she whispered sharply. Yes, she was. And I had stared back, in spite of myself. 

“What can I say? Irresistible,” I joked. 

“Shane, it’s not funny. I just-you should be careful.”

“Always am,” I told her softly. I stared at her hard, wondering why she was saying this. A rapidly approaching blush grew in her cheeks. I smiled slowly as I realized, “Jealous?” 

“Maybe,” she frowned. 

“No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse.” I took her small wrist and checked her pulse. “Yep, you’ve got one. It’s beating pretty fast, too.”

“I”m not kidding, Shane,” she snapped. 

“Neither am I.” I stepped closer and tilted my head down, my lips next to her ear. “No vamp’s going to come between us. You believe me?” I asked. She nodded and I was about to start nibbling her ear and trail kisses down her neck, but then the kitchen door open and I jumped away. Michael caught my eye apologizing for interrupting our moment and I nodded once. 

“Mr. & Mrs. Danvers,” he started, turning towards her parents, “Mr. Bishop would like you to join the, for dinner. But if you have to go home-” 

“I could do with some breakfast,” Mr. Danvers interrupted. “Never tasted Claire’s eggs before. Kathy? You coming?” Claire groaned and shook her head and I frowned, wishing I could do something. We all brought the things we cooked out to the table and set them down. Michael was spooning food onto everyones plates. I dragged Eve and Claire to the kitchen as another severe chill went through the house. 

“Right,” I whispered. “It’s official-this is getting way more than creepy. Did you feel that?” 

“Yeah,” Eve breathed. “Wow. I think if the house had teeth, it’d be chomping down right now. You have to admit, that’s cool.”

Feast of Fools: Shane's Point of View (A Morganville Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now