Chapter 4

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Once they made it to a little diner, they sat together in a booth. They ordered waters and now their food. Ciel was trying his best not to be nervous, but, it isn't everyday you sit across, having dinner with a man you gave a blow job to. Sebastian was in content as he stared at the beautiful boy across from him.

How cute Ciel looked in a big black trench coat, shielding the clothes he was wearing under. "How long have you been going to the strip club?" Ciel broke the silence, eyeing the man with curiosity.

Sebastian thought for a second, "Perhaps about a year." He replied.
"Are you a virgin?" Ciel blurted out before slamming his hand over his mouth, "I didn't mean to say that!" He yelled, his cheeks red as a tomato. Sebastian chuckled at the boy's cuteness, "I am. Are you?" It was Ciel's turn to answer.

"Y-yes..." Ciel mumbled, "Just because I'm a pole dancer doesn't mean I'm a whore!" He added, his eyes narrowing at the elder man. Sebastian's eyes lit up with amusement, "I never said that you were." He smirked. Ciel scoffed and looked to the side, crossing his pale arms.

Sebastian took a sip of his water before speaking, "Why do you work as a pole dancer?" He asked. Sebastian was indeed curious. "'ve always liked to dance." Ciel fidgeted slightly. He wasn't sure if he should trust this man. He felt like he should but, another side of him wasn't so trusting. "Why do you like going to strip clubs?" Ciel asked.

Surely if this man is a CEO he would be too busy to go to one. Ciel thought, his eyes lighting up with amusement as he leaned close to the other. "Stress relief." Sebastian responded, shifting his gaze to the kitchen doors. "Does someone get annoyed at work?" Ciel said in a childish tone, smirking slightly.

Sebastian chuckled at the boy's actions. "You're cute." He smiled at the other. Ciel blushed, backing up slightly in his seat. "No I'm not." He mumbled, twiddling his thumbs.


Once dinner was over, Sebastian led Ciel to a apartment building. "You didn't have to take me home..." Ciel pouted slightly, hugging his arms. "I know. I wanted to." Sebastian smiled. "Well, thank you for dinner...." Ciel looked down and pressed his fingers against the apartment keys. "Don't mention it." Sebastian chuckled. He smirked, lifting Ciel's chin up.

Blue and lavender eyes stared deeply into blood-red ones. Lips from both males pressed against each other. Their lips moved in sync with each other. Hands traveled to each other's bodies, touching, feeling, wanting. Soft moans escaped from the younger's mouth. Tongues mingled and wrapped around each other, enjoying in their romantic dance.

Sebastian softly pulled away. Ciel breathed in air, his eyes glossy, his cheeks pink. "I'll see you later." Sebastian smiled and walked away into the darkness of the sidewalk. Ciel stared while he walked away. His mouth slightly open, still breathing in air. Once he snapped back into his senses, he immediately went upstairs to his apartment. He opened and closed the door. He sighed, sliding down the door. He pressed his fingers against his lips.

"What is this feeling?"

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