Character introduction

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Name: Tsukihime - Yuki no Tsuki Usagi (Snow princess)
Mother - Kaguyahime princess of the Moon
1st sister- Ritsuhime Mizu no Tsuki Usagi (Water princess)
2nd sis- Natsuhime Honoo no Tsuki Usagi (Fire princess)
3rd sis- Hatsuhime Tsuchi no Tsuki Usagi (Earth princess)
Brother - Yue the Moon
Appearance: White long hair and skin with white bunny ears, red eyes. Wear white-red kimono with red haori, half light blue and half white kimono with white haori, pink kimono with peach flower pattern and light pink haori with same pattern or purple kimono with flower pattern and violet haori
If she goes out she wears skirt with knee socks,shirt under sweater, hat and long red scarf. She almost every time hold her red/blue-white/pink/purple/white (with ornaments and flowers) jap.umbrela
Ability: Can control winter weather (can use whenever she wants not just in winter). Use snow,ice and cold like yuki-onna. Her power is strongest when is fullmoon or winter and weakness when it's nov or summer.
Personality: Shy, silent and girly person. Like cute or sweet things. Very cheerful and happy. Protective sociable(little bit), loving, caring. Know nothing about world.

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