Usagis first errand

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WARNING!Wrong grammar etc.
I do not own NnM Shiibashi Hiroshi does.

What do you think about this story?? I know i'm talking to myself but if someone is reading this story pls answer.

Rikuo's POV

I talked with others about Tsuki. They were arguing what if she was spy and i just listened.
"I bet with you that girl is spy" Hitotsume shouted
"Don't be so loud Hitotsume. It was Rikuo-sama who picked her. She didn't even know what are yokais. Do you really think that she i spy???" Gyuki calmly said. Hitotsume was about to say something but i glared at him so he 'silently' sat.
"Let's observe her for week. After that we'll decide"i offered and left.
"Ara~ Rikuo i heard that there is a new girl that you took from street and let her live here. Have you fallen for her??" Someone said behind my back. Althought i already knew who is it i still turned to look who is it.
"Mom that is not like that"i said with red face and went in my room. "Ara~ ara~ Rikuo kawaii" i heard mom before closing the door.
I sighed and havr gone sleep.


Crrr~ Crrr~
I looked at the watch [07:30]
Oh it's okay i will make it i thought and slowly woke up. I went to bathroom took a fast shower, brushed teeth,cleaned face and then i went into the kitchen. Yuki-onna was making breakfast and Tsuki was helping her. After breakfast i, Yuki-onna and Ao went to school.

After 20 minutes

Tsukihime's POV

I looked at Rikuo-kun, Yuki-onna no onee-san and Aotabo-san how they are running to school. Yuki-onna no onee-san said that school is place where humans are studying.
"Ara~ you must be the girl who yesterday came" someone said beside me.
"H-hai. M-my name is Tsukihime. And you are?" I asked her
"I'm Rikuo's mom. You can call me Wakana" Wakana-san said.
"H-hai Wakana-san." I said.
"Oh right. Can you please go to Rikuo's school and bring him lunch?? He always leave it home" Wakana-san said, placing hand on cheek and handing me lunchbox. I will take it and go toward school.
When i came to school a saw a lot of humans.
I wait until there are less humans and then went in. Inside the school there are looking at me and wispering something like 'Woah she has a beautiful kimono' , 'She is so pretty'or 'Why she has bunnys ears??'. I walk faster until i have seen Rikuo-kun in class with plate [3-1]. I knock and walk in.
"U-um Rikuo-kun."i say silently. Rikuo-kun turn toward me.
"Tsuki. Why are you here??" Rikuo say.
From outside i heard someone say 'Ah she is Nuras' 'He is so lucky' or 'Give it up bro'
"U-um you forgot lunch so i just came to deliver it."i say giving him a lunchbox.
'T-thank you" he says. I notice that his cheeks turned little bit pink but i didn't mind.
"T-then see you home."i said and left the class.
In hall someone will stop me.
"Hey you can't go to school in kimono. You have to wear school uniform that is the rule."he scold
"U-um i'm not attending the school." I say with tears in my eyes.
"Don't lie."he said. Then someone grab his hand and says:" Sensei she is really not attending school 'cuz she is learning home. Can you please let her go??"
"If Nura says then i'll believe it. Hurry and go the class'll start" Sensei said and left. I quickly run away.
I'm rabbit after all i thought

Rikuo's POV

"Tsuki are you oka-" i wanted to ask but she already left.
Oh well. She is so cute I blushed and went into class.
"Nura who was that girl?? Perhaps new yokai?" Kiyotsugu asked.
"No but i'm sure she is not human. She is Tsukihime she started to live with me" i said.
"Eh Rikuo-kun that girl lives with you??" Kana-chan asked.
"Um"i replied. After that the ring rang and the class started. Kana-chan went to her class.


I, Yuki-onna and Ao went home. It was already after school and today wasn't clubs activities.
On way home we saw Tsuki on street. She was looking confused turning around.
"Tsuki what happened???"i ask and pat her on hair.
"Kyaa"she shouted. Then she turned at me.
"R-Rikuo-kun."she says with relief on face.
"What happened???"i ask again.
"U-um i lost? L-little bit??" She say.
I sweatdrop and blush little bit.
"Let's go home" i said and on way i shown her road to the mansion.


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