The player

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I woke up to my head throbbing "ugh what did I do last night" I stared to sit up when it all floods back my best friend Jessica was invited to the end of year party which isn't a surprise she is really pretty all the boys fall for her so she bugged me to come to cheer me up since my mum had die last month she hooked up with a football player and he has 3 dates and not one of them knows but the rest is not clear how much did I drink "Sam Stacy breakfast" I throw on my school clothes and put my hair up as I walked out of my bedroom my 17 year old brother walks up to me and whispered "you owe me big time" "why?" I said scratching my head "last night the party the big trouble you would of gotten into" he said as he narrowed his eyes glaring at me "ok?" We walked down stairs not saying a word breakfast wasn't this quiet but since mum had die everything was different dad was never home and he was so down and Sam was getting in to more trouble and I have started what my mum had done when she was my age soccer I look over at the clock hanging on our kitchen wall "omg I'm going to be late" I quickly finished my toast grabbed my bag and ran out the door

As I ran up the hill I saw the bus pull up luckily a boy walked on before me "thank you" I smiled at him "for what" his brown eyes starred at mine I feel like I know him "for getting on before me or I would of missed the bus" " I don't care" he just stared at me I have never seen him before at this bus stop "are you new" "yeah" he smiled it was cute but why did all of a sudden he smiled as I got on I saw him take a sit next to john my ex-boyfriend ugh I hate him he was kissing another girl and the girl was my enemy Anna she was in every class I had since kindergarten and she hated me because I stole her best friend as I sat in my sit alone I had a feeling that someone was watching me I scanned the bus I saw the new kid staring at me as soon as he saw me look at him he quickly turned his head the tip if his ears were going red I laugh at this

As the bus pulls up at the school everyone got off the bus expected for the new kid was he following me or something I got up and walked for the door as I get off he walks next to me " are you following me or something" "maybe whats your name" he smiled at me again sorry but thats cute "I'm Stacy and you are?" "I'm josh the handsomest guy in the school" he smirked with his eyes looking at me with a devilish look on his face " I don't think so and aren't you new" I said laughing he looked at me with a weird look on his face "what?" I asked him confused "you don't think I'm cute or handsome or anything" " no why?" "All the girls fall for me" he said wiggling his eyebrows "what was that" I said laughing even more "what" he said starting to get annoyed " nothing ....." I tried to keep a straight face but it didn't work I started laughing again "fine just laugh at me then" "o..k.......y-y" I couldn't help it I started laughing again he stared at me I finally stopped laughing " ok-k so you t-think you a-are the most h-handsomest g-guy in the school" I said starting to laugh again "yes yes I do" he said smirking at me "yeah yeah right" the bell rang " well I got to go to class mister handsome" "hope I see you soon" "I don't" I walked up the Spanish class room as I walked 10 steps my best friend Jessica ran up to me and hugged me "lets go to Spanish the most horrible subject ever" she laughed at her own joke "yep lets go"

In Spanish josh was in my class great he scanned the class room and his eyes landed on me he smirks and walks over to me and sits down "hello again Stacey" I did answer him "hey ..........I will sing the most annoying song I can thing of if you don't answer me" I still did not answer "ok here it goes" he is really going to do it I turned my head a little so I could see him "spongebob square pants spongebob square pants..........."he sang the hole thing I bite my lip trying not to laugh the miss roger walks in "ok class since it is the last week of team I want every single person to clean this room top to bottom but you can only speak Spanish........" I just stopped listening to her and thought of what it would be like next year until I was disturbed by josh shaking me he passed me a note saying:
Why won't you talk to me?
I was about to reply when "Stacy, josh you two are going to go to detention" as she said that she handed us a letter "but why" I said but quickly covered my mouth "what was that miss black?" She said staring at me angrily "I-I said b-but why?" I said stuttering "why Stacy it is because you two where passing note and when I asked you a question I expect an answer!" I jumped a little and watched her wide eyes I have never had a detention I look at the letter she gave me it said after school in the detention room oh great and I'm stuck with stupid I let a deep breath out I was holding my breath because she stinks

At lunch Me and Jessica sat at the table we always do "you got a detention" "yes I hate that teacher she needs to quit" "Mmm and it is after school to that stupid we need to go home after school and they hold us back" I don't know what to do I have netball training this afternoon and my dad will freak out "how do I get out of detention?" She stared at me blankly "Jessica hello" "you want to sneak out of detention? little girl is finally doing something bad and exciting" as soon as I here my little girl the image of my mum floods in she always called me her little girl that was the last words she said to me Jessica must have released that I was about to cry "omg Stacy I'm so sorry I didn't want you to cry" she said hugging me and gave me my yogurt "thanks you are the best friend ever" then the bell rang this is the last period for me then detention great as I walk to class there is a shadow over me I look behind me to find that it was conner he was also one of my best friend "hey whats wrong Star" star was the nick name he gave me "yeah I'm fine" I look over on shoulder to find josh kiss another girl that is the fifth today yuck I'm still walking to class nothing happening I like this

The bell goes for everyone to go home not me stupid josh giving me a note as I walk to detention josh picks me up from behind "josh put me down" I said smacking him in the arm he drops me and he started rubbing his arm I smile "so how many girls you been kissing?" He looks at me weirdly then smirks " seven" he said proudly " really seven girls kiss you why?" I said smiling then he had a devilish look on his face "do you want to be the eighth" he said moving closer to me wrapping his hands around my waist I tried to get out of his arms but his grip was to strong he started to lean in and then stops "Why would I kiss you" thank god he last go of me and didn't kiss me so in that case I kicked him in the butt "owwww what was that for" he said as we walked into detention "because you scared me by trying to kiss me" my heart is still racing he smile not a smirk but a real smile

About four minutes into detention the teacher fell asleep and everyone was too well almost everyone I got up to the teacher and marked everyone here so it looks like he had already marked it and I was about to sneak out when someone grabbed my hand I looked back and again there was josh really "bad bad girl" he said shaking his head "oh be quiet" I pulled his arm and ran out of the school then again I felt a pair of hands around my waist "so your a bad girl or are you a good girl" I thought for a little bit "well a little of both" then the same thing happened again he was leaning in to kiss me but this time I didn't struggle because I didn't think he would do it but he did he kissed me and I didn't pull away want is going on here when we pulled away we looked into each other's eyes and then we moved away "umm bye josh" then I ran all the way home and jumped on my bed and just feel asleep

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