The kiss

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Last night I couldn't stop thing about what he said 'Why would I kiss you' but then he kissed me what is going on but did I like no maybe........I don't know this is so confusing and he is in all my class today great just great I will ask him today but that would be so weird I will work it out at school I jump out of my bed get my school clothes on and run downstairs only to find my brother and my dad wait there is a woman there what's going on if dad's dating I will scream "good morning sweetie" dad said with that look on his face the look that means somethings not right but he will not tell us "morning dad, sam who is this hi I'm Stacy" I walk down and stand in front of her "hello Stacy I'm Rachel" she put her hand out and she had a big smile I took my hand in hers and shook "so why you here?" "Your brother is in trouble and I need to speak to your father" then I see that sam is crying I walk up to him "are you ok sam?" I said rubbing his back "yeah yeah I just did something bad that I shouldn't of now I have a......" He starts crying again "you don't have to tell me ok I just want you to be safe" he leans he's head on my shoulder "thank you" he saids softly "your welcome"

As I turn up at school Jessica runs up to me and grabs my arm and drags me to the library that is our hangout spot "what was that for?" I said rubbing my wrist "you kissed the hot new kid" she said with no tone or anything " ummmmm.........." "You did you did you did yes I knew it" she said jumping up and down and laughing like a crazy woman "how do you know?" "I saw you kiss him I just want to know if it was really you and it was" she said like she was about to explode "yes it was but don't tell anyone" "I would never" "good" the bell rang and I'm not in one of Jessica class and in all of josh how did that happen as I walk to class I see a shadow over me I walked a little faster so did he it got to the point where we were running he grabbed my hand and dragged my to the front of the school what is it with all the dragging today great now I'm going to be late " what are you do...." I was cat of by him kissing me AGAIN what is going on "that shut you up ok yesterday and now I can't help myself I have to kiss beautiful woman" he looked me in the eyes then his eyes moved to my lips "ok but right now we better go to class" " yeah yeah ok" as we walked to class he stops me one more time he said sorry then kissed me again but this was different he was sad and he pulled me closer to him and put his hands on my waist and I slid my hands on his shoulders and around his neck it was a little bit and he pulled away and looked in the eye fear and sorriness was in washed though his eyes I looked back at him " Its ok" I said as I hugged him I gave him my number and address then the bell rang the teacher came out "you two are partners and you are working on the earth" me and josh looked at each other and we knew this would not end well.

Sorry If this chapter is short but I just made it up on the spot

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