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School is finished and I walked home I heard yelling from my house I start to run faster and faster as I got to my house I see a car fly out the drive way and the door slam no no no the last time this happened my brother nearly got killed I ran inside and see my dad sitting there with that woman she smirking and my dad crying as I walk up to my dad she said "I think you she disappear like your brother" she said with a harsh tone I felt tears form in my eyes then I replaced them with anger and walked in front of her "YOU ARE A WICKED PERSON YOU YOU........."I ran up stairs and stared crying into my pillow and then stared backing my stuff in a suitcase and got my kegs, two bags and my phone and left when I ran past her she smirked again and look at me like I was a waste of space tears stared coming back I quickly ran out then door and into my car with all my stuff and drove to Jessica's house I was speeding down the street and tears flowing like a river out of my eyes down my cheeks when I was like this dad helped me that made me cry even more I pulled up at Jessica's but she wasn't home and I don't know anyone else wait josh I don't care I just got back into the car and drove to joshes house

It took about 5 minutes to get to his house when I knocked on his door I heard little foot steps and then the door flow opened and a little kid that looked about 6-7 yelled out for josh and as soon as josh saw me crying he came straight to me and hugged me I stared to cry into his t-shirt " it's ok do you want to come in" "y-yes please" I was still crying I'm not going to have any water left in me if I keep doing this he show me to the sofa and put his arm around me "what happened if you don't what to tell me that is ok" "I w-was walking home a-and I heard my d-dad and b-brother yelling s-so I stared to ran b-by the time I got there I-I saw my brothers car d-drive out and t-the door slam and then t-the woman m-my dad was seeing s-said to me that I should go a-away like my b-brother" he stared at me for a little bit " well I'm not going to get into it but if you want to stay you can I live by myself" then how was that little kid "ok thank you" then there was a loud crash in the kitchen "tommy I told you not to touch anything" he growled at the kid covered head to toes in flour "sorry daddy" DADDY he is a DADDY "can you come here" I asked him "sure" he sounded like he knew what I was going to ask him "your a dad?" "Yes but I found him on the side of the road and he looked like he was just born and I didn't have the heart to just leave him there"that is so sweet that little kid could of die if josh left him there "that is so sweet and can I get my bags and put them in the room?" "Yes go ahead I will show you the room you will stay in when you get back" "thank you again" he smiled at me and then I ran to the car and got my stuff as fast as I could and ran back inside then josh showed me to my room and I stared to unpack then the little kid came running in "hello I'm tommy" he held his little hand out and I took it in mine " hi I'm Stacy nice to meet you" I smiled at the little kid "my daddy is angry at me because he didn't want you to know that he had a kid" he said so cute "he did, did he" " yeah well I have to go daddy is still angry" he said as his as he hung his head down "here I will come with you" he lifted his head and had a big smile " thank you" he held my hand and walked down stairs "daddy are you still mad at me" aww this is so cute " right here tommy" josh said laughing tommy stared dragging me to this little room "tommy" "daddy" they were having a little stare off tommy blinked first " you won daddy" "ok now go hop into bed and I will be there soon" "ok daddy night night" tommy said give josh a kiss on the forehead "he is so cute I wish I had a little brother like that" "yeah do you want to watch a movie?" "Yeah what movie" "don't know you pick."

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