FTYBB Chapter 1: "Dissatisfaction"

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"Mrs. Garcia, I'm sorry to disappoint you but the test proven that your daughter has a bulky wound inside her heart." Dr. Arshton said pointing his eyes on mine.

"This can't be happen mr. Arshton but I raised my child properly and healthily!" My upset and teary mom said.

"Maybe it came when you was giving birth of her or it can be inherited from your ancestors. This is an undefined disease and if the wounds are getting wider and wider Jean might died in a short period of time. I will give you some medication for your daughter's disease." After that scene, I took the receipt and left the hospital ungladly.

We went home and I saw my mom crying on the living room. I approached and comforted her.

"Mom, it's okay. The doctor said my heart will heal its wounds through proper medication so you don't have to worry!"

"What if I will lose you like what happened on your father?" She asked and I felt something in my chest. I didn't mind it instead I answered her question.

"It won't happen! Look at me mom I'm stronger than Hercules!" Then my mom laughed and hugged me for the first time.


"How are you doing Jean?" Lucy asked.

"I'm good, very very good!" I said.

"Did you hear the news?" Regine inquired.

"News about what?"

"About our Ex bestfriend ,Tiana ! She's now dating with the famous school badboy!" Kim informed.

"Tristan Shawn? How can it be?" I asked in a sudden shock.

"Well anything is possible with that bitch!" Rommel, my best-friend butt in.

"Hey Rommie! You look so nice today."

Rommel Anderson, is my bff since we were 3rd grade. I admit it sometimes I get attracted on him because he has an adorable and hansome-looking face, he is smart and he knows how to pick-up girls easily and without hesitation.

"Don't call me Rommie! It is a name for a baby." He said with a disgust.

"IDC! I will call you any names that I want."

After we had our lunch I went to the Student council room ALONE, I need to edit some news articles in our school because I'm the councilor of the organization. I was typing a headline about the school program held last week then suddenly the lights turned on-and-off.

"Who's that? Who's playing the light switch?" I shouted.

Then a thing fell to the floor loudly and I felt a little pinch in my chest. And I started to collapse. My eyes were blurred and I only saw a man rushing over me and there are three guys at his back. The man who rescued me has a wavy hair and he looks familiar.


I opened my eyes and I found out that I was in the clinic...

"Hey Jean. Tristan brought you here together with his peers. Are you alright now?" Nurse Liza asked.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Can I go to my next class?" I said.

She giggled and said, " Class hours are already ended and it's your time to go home."

"Ok nurse Liza, thanks for taking care of me!"

"Don't thank me, you must thank who brought you here and it is Tristan. Good bye and Take care."

I rushed through the gates and I accidentally bumped a good-looking and half body naked man.

"I'm sorry sir, but I didn't mean to bump you." Then I looked at him and surprised that he was Tristan. "Oh it's you Tristan Shawn the boyfriend of the bitch and the one who scared me and sarcastically brought me in the clinic!" I shouted with rage.

"Well....well....well....are you Jean Garcia? The school nerd? And the one who kicked-out Dennis Taylor ,my bestfriend, for unnecessary reasons." He said.

"Please don't trashtalk me and get out of my way!"

"No you can't! Unless you will say 'thank you' for what I've done to you!"

"No, I wont."

Then his attractive biceps gripped me and his six-packed abs hugged me so I can't escape.

"Please let me go!"

"Say thank you!"

Then I bit his arms and it tasted like vanilla plus cherry although it was sweat. I escaped and went home successfully.
I'm so dumb, I forgot my green notebook, which is my planner. I think it fell when I tried to escape on the jerk's grip.

It took 45 minutes to grab a taxi and it had been 6:25 PM when I went home. I saw my mom standing at the front of the house and looks like she was in rage.

"Why are you late? Don't you think I'm worried about your condition? What if you collapse on the way, for sure no one will rescue you! Next time, don't come home  late! Understand?" My mother scolded me clinching her fist.

I can't look at her directly!

"Yes......mom.....I understand."  I said nervously.

Then I went to my room and opened the window. "Jean!" A strange voice came out. I looked at my neighbor's house and found out that Tristan was there. He was wearing a grey shirt and a boxer. How disgusting! But he looks hot when he wore that.

"What are you doing there?" I asked.

"Well if you don't mind, this is my house!" He said boastfully.

"I can't believe it! I have a jerk neighbor." I shouted.

"I can't also believe it that I have a creepy and nerd neighbor!" He also shouted.

"Wait! What is inside of your boxer?"

"My private part!"

"Pervert! No not that one!"

"A green notebook with a label 'My daily planner' and I think it belongs to you!"

"Give me that freaking neighbor!"

"Come and get it!"

The gap of our houses are only 1 foot apart so I can easily get over his house. Gotcha! I made it. But my heart ached.

"Waz up! Drama queen! Come and get it now!"

"I'm not making a drama! Tristan, give it back to me! Please..."

"Get it inside my boxer!"

"Jerk! I won't."

Wait! I think I need to take my medicine. My disease strike again! I can't take it anymore.

"I need to go...bye!"

"But why? You need to get it inside before it gets rotten!"


I climbed in my room and took my medicine. After that I glanced back at Tristan. He was peacefully sleeping hugging my planner.  I think I'm getting jealous on my notebook. Then I started to sleep and pray that I'll have a new day and a new life when tomorrow comes. Night.

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