Chapter 1

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Your name will be, Haruka Mendez, you have been living your whole life in Manila, Philippines and you've only been to Japan once.


You stood up and sighed, if you were just in Japan right now. You could've attend one of his concerts.

For years, you were pretty obssessed with utaites', you accidentally found out about them while browsing through youtube.

You heared the door open, but paid no mind to it.

"Gising ka na pala. (You're already awake.)" Rin your cousin, said.

"Sana makauwi na ako sa Japan. (I wish, I can go home to Japan already.)" You said with a dreamy sigh, while imagining things if you met MafuMafu, in flesh.

"Are you still thinking about him?" Rin asked.


"That singer, with a cute voice." Rin said, "And, with a childish attitude. Seriously?"

You looked away, guiltily.

Rin walked towards your calendar and scoffed, while turning to look at you.

"Awww, he's helding a concert, this day." She teased, "Poor, Haru."

"S-shut up!"

She rolled her eyes, "Well, wala akong pakialam. Maghanda ka na, malalate ka na! (Well, I don't care. Just get ready, you're going to be late!)"

And, she woke out of the room.

You sighed happily as you remembered the conversation you had with your Dad, yesterday.

Your phone rang and you quickly grabbed it. It was your Dad calling, you smiled lightly and clicked the answer button.

"How are you, baby girl?"

You chuckled, "I'm not a baby anymore!"

"Your mom said that you should visit us here, she missed you already, the problem is... Would you like to?"

You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself.
"OF COURSE, DAD!!" You exclaimed, "I'M SO HAPPY! THANK YOU!"

"Get ready to leave in a few days, Haruka."

The next day

"I'm so excited!" you whispered to yourself as you put your seatbelt on, the plane was about to board and you're just waiting for the stewardess to finish explaining the things..... she needs to explain.

The plane started to make it's way up and you closed your eyes.

This is going to be a long ride.

At the airport

You looked around, looking for someone holding up a placard with your name on it. When, you finally spotted it, you ran too the person holding it.

It was your Mom and Dad.

"There she is!" You heard your Mom said.

You grinned and hugged them both, "I missed you."

"We missed you too, so much."

Your Dad smiled, "Well, then shall we go?"

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