Chapter 5

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It's been a year.

You just got back in Japan yesterday, for a vacation and to, also, work.

You tried to keep up with Mafu for awhile, but they were so busy sometimes. It made you sad, but today, you decided that you will surprise the three of them, only Soraru knows that you're visting Japan again, but he doesn't know when and he promised to keep it as a secret.

Before you leave the apartment, to go to the studio where Amatsuki, Soraru, and Mafu, were working today, you opened twitter and tweeted

"This is it!"

And, off you go.


You nervously stood in front of the room where Mafu was, you can already hear giggles, they were girls in here?, and Mafu's voice, he seems to be telling a story about his trip to a real maid cafe, with Soraru.

"Ah, Haru!"

You looked around and saw Amatsuki, at the end of the hallway. He was looking at you in shock, which you thought is weird. He almost seemed scared.

"Nice to see you again, Amatsuki-san." You said and smiled at him. Which just doubled his shock, "I can speak japanese very well now, so please respond."

"A-ah, I'm sorry, I was just shocked." He said and walked over to you, "You've grown a lot, aren't you? Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"Visiting." You said, "Are you done working?"

He nodded, "Would you like to come with me? It looks like, Mafu and Soraru is in the middle of something, probably a live stream. Would you like to record a song, with me?"

You nodded in excitement, "YES, PLEASE!"

/////////////// Minutes Later ////////////////////

"Ah, so this is what a recording studio looked like." You mumbled, "Anyways, what song shall we cover?"

"Your pick."

"Then, let's cover *insert song you wanna, this is the only part that I let you guys have a free will* Is it okay?"

"Great pick, then, let's start!"

After you finished the song, you smiled at Amatsuki.

"That was fun!" You exclaimed.

"You have a great voice, no wonder Mafu likes you." Amatsuki said, but he whispered the last part. Still, you heard it.

"R-r-really?! T-t-this isn't the right time to be joking around, you know!" You said and pouted.

It isn't nice to joke about that, not when I have the same feelings towards Mafu.

"I'm not!" He said, "Well, Mafu can probably hear this now, why don't you come here? Haru's waiting for you."

The door suddenly opened and there revealed Mafu, "WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A LIVE STREAM, AMATSUKI-SAAAAAAN!" He shouted, while his face is really red.

"Ah, I'm in deep trouble." Amatsuki cursed, "But this is your chance, so grab it!"

Soraru appeared beside the blushing Mafu, with his arms crossed. "Good thing, I muted the mic in time or else, the studio is in chaos right now." He said calmly, "Go for it, Mafu. And, you should upload that cover, join our world, Haru."

And, after that Amatsuki and Soraru walked out, leaving you and Mafu alone.

"W-well, the first thing let's make sure that the speaker is off." Mafu grumbled and checked the buttons.

So, that's why they heard.

"Mafu, is it true?" You asked, it took a lot of your courage to ask that, "I hope it is true, I liked you for a long time, Mafu."

Mafu walked over to you and pulled you to a hug, "I really really like you, Haru." He whispered.

(A/N: Mafu better thank me for this. I was actually planning another route before they reached happy end. But, I got tired and just did that but I'll post it soon don't worry.

Annnnnddddd, who's next I wondeeeer? Please, share your thoughts and VOTE !


Thank you, everyone.)

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