Chapter 4

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You sat down on your seat and sighed sadly, the past hours you spent with Mafu, Soraru and Amatsuki, was so fun that you almost forgot about your flight.

You checked your phone, and saw that a message popped up.

Mafu: Hallllooooooo~ Come back soon, okay?

You felt your heart jump, not in a million years you ever thought that this will happen to you. You were so happy, that being calm hurts you physically.

Hararuru (wtf is this username): I will, thank you. ♥ 

Soraru: Aw, stop it you lovebirds.

Mafu: ٩(๑'3`๑)۶ whaaaaaaat???? wwwwwwww but I'll wait for you, Haru-chan!

You gasped, does Mafu have a crush on me?! No, no, no, that's impossible. Why am I thinking about such stupid things.

The flight back to your house, was depressing and yet you're still very happy. When you checked twitter, you received a notification that Mafu tagged you in a picture..... of a food, of course.

You badly want to ask for a picture with Mafu, back then. But, you were afraid that he might say No, for personal reasons, of course.

You decided that for now, you're going to learn how to speak japanese, so you can talk to them with ease, next time!

(A/N: Is this toooooo long? am I taking things too long, please do tell.  Ja neeee~

Mafu: Author-san, bring Haru back already!"

A: Mafu! Go back and work, please.

Mafu: //sighs

I feel bad for Mafu.)

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