Chapter 3

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Oh my, seriously, you can't be seriously serious. I'm facing the guy that I've idolized and had been dying to meet for years!

Despite the realisation, you stayed calm. At last, Mafu's appearance settled in your mind, just like the pictures that somehow leaked in the internet.

He has brown hair and looked incredibly cute with his poker face.

On the other hand, Mafu was wondering why Haru was looking at him with sparkling eyes.

Is... she a fan?

You smiled, "H-hajimemashite, Mafu-san."


"EEEEEEHHHH?! You can't be serious!" You shouted.

Your dad told you that your flight back to Philippines will be tomorrow night. You pouted and looked like you're on the verge of crying.

I just found him! And, I'm leaving already?!

But, despite your protests', you found yourself packing your things.

"I'm so pissed off, I wanna kill someone." you muttered angrily to yourself, "Why does it have to happen this day?! I'm so pissed. I'm so pissed."

You decided to tour the city one more time before leaving, you grabbed your bagpack and walked towards the train station.

While scrolling on twitter, you bumped into someone.

You looked up in alarm, "A-ah! I'm so sorry!"

It looks like you bumped into a man, he looked up and you felt the air in your body cut off.


A name that keeps swirling inside your mind.

"It's okay." He said and bowed a little before walking away in a hurry.

You looked at his retreating figure, hmm, maybe he's going to the studio.

"Haru, Haru, Haru!"

Once again, you froze.


You looked around to find him and when you did, he was waving at you with a cute smile.

Ah, he's so cute without even trying.

And, I sound like a creep.

You ran towards him and saw that he was with someone else and you also saw Amatsuki, could that guy be Soraru?

He's wearing a mask and he looked awfully familiar.

"Hi, Mafu." You greeted him, shyly.

"Hello, ah, uhm..." He mumbled, "This is Soraru and Amatsuki."

I knew it.

Amatsuki turned to you and said something in japanese, that you can't freaking understand again.

Soraru said something too and also Mafu.

I feel out of place.

"Haru, do you want to go with us?" Mafu asked.

You smiled brightly his invitation, but frowned when you realised about your flight at 5 PM and it's already 2:00 PM.

"I've got a flight at 5." You said.

"Oh, you're going home?" Soraru asked.

You nodded, sadly.

On the other hand, Amatsuki suggested something.

"Well, we could bring her with us around the place. She looked so sad and she's so cute. MafuMafu's luckyyyyy~"

Soraru nodded, "You've got a bright future coming for you. While me, on the other hand."

A dark aura fell over Soraru, making Mafu and Amatsuki look away.

"Don't sulk!" Mafu said and he turned to you with a smile, "We-well, it's only 2 do you want to come to eat with us?"

You nodded, "Okay."

All of you started to walk towards a restaurant, you fidgeted in nervous because you don't like japanese food, especially sushi.

You thought for a while if you should tell Mafu or not, but before you knew it, you're already tugging on his sleeve.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Uhm... Can we eat somewhere else?" You asked.

Since what you said is somehow out of Mafu's vocabulary in english, Soraru translated it to him.

Mafu flinched and looked at you with puppy dog eyes, "Why?~" He whined.

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