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Chapter three.


I can't believe it I smacked Grey ass. But I mean it's irreparable and so soft.

But I think he wouldn't like be doing that he had no reaction at all. All he did was blush it's like he didn't want me to do it

But anyways I got ready for gym we had football today so I slid on a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt and left out onto the field where everyone else was

Couch was already putting us in teams as Usual he puts us in who's the best and who's not and I hate it cause I never get to talk to Grey.

We was in our position to play as the couch said "ready,set,hut!" And Gavin had the ball and throw it towards me and I ran for what I wanted and he was standing right there to prepare to get tackled and then all of a sudden


We all looked to our right and saw a house on fire. And ur was expanding quickly. All I knew what to do was run but I stopped my self when I heard  Grey cough. So I turned around and went for him quickly and then throw him over my shoulder and ran back to the building where everyone else was .

We enter and there was some smoke on some or dust one and others was coughing. I took Grey to the nurse as of everyone else.

She said that he was okay he only was out of breath and wheezing from the smoke in the air.

Damn house.

Me and Grey was walking back to changed when he hugged me from behind and said "thank you eisuke" he then released and continued to walk with me I was so shocked but happy at the same time all I wanted to do I was hug him and kiss him all over. But I had to keep cool

Keep cool

Keep calm.

So I smirked and cached up to him and said "no problem Jason." He looked shocked as he blushed and honestly he looked like I didn't know his name trust me I know a lot about him I chuckle silently to my - self as I sighed

He looked at me real funny and I felt heat rise up to my cheeks.

As we walk into the locker room everyone was already dress and in the gym I walked on one side and Grey on the other.


There's the bell

It was third period and that was social studies as everyone is around me Grey was struggling to get through which made me growl but I kept to my self as I walked in I sat in the first row and opened my books as mr.scaringelli came in "okay class open your books to page 258-261 and read that until lunch and when we come back prepare to share" he said as he wrote it on the board

I looked up at Grey all by himself

I wrote down notes and facts as of everyone else keep asking me to be there partner but I just ignore them until lunch.

I walked in and got my lunch and then sat down I my table where my friends was but as I looked outside I saw Jason eating by himself when al of a sudden Gavin sit's next to him rubbing his shoulder and I don't know if you guys know but he is mine

Grey Is mine



I clenched my fist so hard that my nails left marks in my hand and then I saw Grey giggle why he's pissed me off more then ever

I sighed and looks away and say "I gotta go use the John" I lied and went into the hallway into the main entrance to spy on them and I heard them talking About

Cliff hanger! I wanna change Jason name what should it be?

I was thinking grey or misaki.

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