Part 12

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Levi's P.O.V.

It's the middle of the afternoon and I still haven't gotten out of bed. Today is my only day off and I choose to spend it in bed. 1 week until the assignment. I'm pretty much dead once I go on the assignment because I can't really do much against 300 people so I would like to spend some of my last days doing things I've never done before, sleeping in is one of those things. I lay flat on my back and stare up at the ceiling as I feel my eyes get heavy, slowly and peacefully, I can feel myself drifting off asleep again but am woke up fully by the sound of my phone going off. I roll over to the bedside table and grab my phone, Annie's calling me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey it's me Annie, I need your help!" She in a panic.

"With what?" I ask.

"Christa has been kidnapped and I got a letter from someone with the signature on it and I need you to check it out for me fast."

"Okay send me a pic." I say as I hang up the phone. A few quiet seconds later I get a text from Annie with an all too familiar picture on the letter and I know exactly who kidnapped Christa.

"I can't tell you who kidnapped her because you may blow my upcoming mission. If it makes you feel any better, I know that Christa will still be alive by the time that we get to her and we will try our hardest to get her out." I say over the phone.

"I'm coming with you." She says with no hesitation.

"Well that's not up to you to decide." I say back.

"Well it's not up to you to decide when my cousin gets saved." She threatens.

"Fine." I say. "You can come but that means you have to be here by 6pm tonight." 

"Okay see you then." Annie says hanging up the phone. 

I lay put my phone down and shut my eyes for a few more seconds before getting out of bed and heading out of my room. In my pyjamas and still having not brushed my hair, I walk into the elevator and go up to the video game floor. I get out of the elevator and over to the Titan video game. There I find Hanji looking like he hasn't slept in days (which he probably hasn't), playing this video and looking at it likes it's life. I quietly sit beside my insane boss and I tap his shoulder. He jumps in surprise and pauses his game.

"Yes Levi?" He says calmly.

"I'm recruiting people for my mission." I state.

"Is that all?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay, leave." He says in his little sweet yet insane voice. With nothing else to talk about, I get up and I leave the games room. I head back to my room for the rest of my 3 hours of peace before I have to give Annie her room.


It's 5:45 right now. I get out of bed so I roll out of bed and head to the main floor. I walk to the front desk with five minutes to spare. I take a seat on the floor and wait until Annie comes. Moments after taking a seat in the floor I see two large people and Annie walk in. She brought her roommates.

"Why are they here?" I ask with a dull voice.

"They're coming with me." Annie states.

"Fine." I say, not in the mood to argue. I go behind the counter where the secretary is and I grab three keys. Taking the random keys, I toss them to the three of them and I walk over to the elevator with them following behind. "Workout is every morning at 6. You need to be there and if you miss then you go home." We stay in the elevator until it stops and we all get out together. "All of your rooms are on this floor so just check the number on the key and find your room because I'm not showing you where it is." I say leaving them on there own and going into my room.

I jump onto my bed and take out my phone: one message.

Eren: so I have a couple friends who I think could contribute well to the mission.

Levi: no

Eren: but I talked to Annie and she could join and same as Bertholtd and Reiner.

Levi: fine but they have to both be here in 10 minutes or they can't join.

I respond making almost impossible for Eren's friends to join. I put my phone down and I walk over to Eren's room. It's quiet but I can people are inside. I knock on the door cautiously to have Eren open the door with a smug look on his face.

"Are your friends here or not?" I ask with a frown.

"Yes they are." He says smiling like a fool making me blush a little. "You're blushing."

"Shut up." I command. Eren just lets out a little giggle and lets me in. I walk in to find a freckled Jesus sitting on his couch and a horse beside him. 

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