Star Trek Into Darkness

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That's My Secret: Star Trek

Ashley: Alright, bros, bitches, and frands~! This level will be about our lovers from Star Trek! Benedict Cumberbatch is the reason for millions of teenage female Trekkies. Evil-Captain America hottie...

Starr: Okay~ before Ash continues on with her rant, we will begin!

Ash and Starr: Let's start with Admiral Pike!

Ashley: Alright, Admiral, what's your secret?

Pike: Well, I guess my secret is that I've always had a thing for Kirk's mom.

Ashley: *had been shocked into silence*

Starr: Wait. What?!

Starr: Ahem. Alright, Uhura?

Ashley: *thinking* Bitch.

Uhura: My secret... I guess I could tell you about the fling I had with Kirk when we first entered the academy. *shrugs*

Ashley: *thinking* THE FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!*

Starr: *spits out coffee* What?! I thought you were always at the heels of Spock-Kun!

Ashley: Obviously not, babe. Guess J owes me thirty bucks.

Uhura: Now what's that supposed to mean?!

Ashley: Well, you're smart, you figure it out!

Uhura: I know what you meant!

Ashley and Starr: Then why the hell/heck did you ask?!

Ashley: *smooths out hair, still pissed with Uhura*

Starr: Alright, Spock, why don't you tell us your secret.

Spock: My frozen dairy beverage summons all of the young men to the yard.

Ashley: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Did you really read that off the script Jim gave you?! Holy hell that was amazing!!!!!! *falls out of chair clutching her stomach*

Starr: *laughing quietly* Ahahaha.... Thanks Spock, honey, you can go.

Spock: Thank you. *shuffles out uncomfortably*

Ashley: AHAHAHAHA!!! That just made my fucking week!!!!

Starr: Moving on. Bones! Your turn!

Bones: *shuffles into the recording room* Hey darlin's.

Ashley: Hey babe. *waves calmly*

Starr: Okay, Hun. What's the secret?

Bones: Besides the fact I know that Ash wants me as her fictional Doctor/husband, I had a thing for Jim when I first met him.

Ashley: *stutters and is beet red* Ho-how did he know that?!

Starr: *whistles while attempting to flee the room*

Ashley: Starrfire!!!!! You are so dead!

Starr: Aaaaahhhhhhhh! *runs down the hall like a headless chicken*

Bones: *checks watch* Crap! I'm late for work! *runs out of room*

Jim Kirk: Hey ladies.

Starr: Hey Jimmy.

Ashley: Big brother! Yay!

Jim: So, I heard about what happened with Bones. Didn't know you felt they way, Ash.

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