The Years

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Prince and Mia had been together since May 22, 1977. The year was 1979 and they're still together. Prince was working on his album entitled Prince. He was working hard and sometimes Mia, Tyka, or his mother would come in the studio and watch him work. He worked hard. He wrote some songs sometimes when he was with Mia and she was asleep. Then, things got strange. Mia flew to L.A. for a role in a movie and Prince was about to be on TV for the first time. Prince told her the news and she told him Mia was back before he was on TV and after when he got home. Mia came to see him. They were both happy and he was super excited. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was a girl named Susan Moonsie. Tyka didn't know who she was when she opened the door. Susan walked into his room and immediately, Mia's smile vanquished. Prince was staring at Susan. Mia stared at Susan. Tyka stared at Prince. Susan stared at Mia.
Finally, Susan spoke. "Well hi Prince. How's it goin'?" Prince looked at Mia who was looking at Susan. "OK." Susan introduced herself to Mia. "Hi, I'm Susan." Mia kept a hard face. "Mia." Susan sighed. "Well, catch up with ya later, Prince." Prince nodded his head and Susan left. Tyka gave them their privacy. Prince turned to Mia. "I'll see you later. U need ur rest." Prince kissed her cheek. Mia left but her blood was boiling. Prince sighed and sat his guitar down. He took a shower and went to sleep. One Day Mia was with Prince at his house on the piano when Susan knocked on his bedroom door. She came in and stopped in her tracks. "Hi." Prince got nervous. Mia didn't say anything. She was stone faced. "Are we gonna rehearse on the song today? Prince looked around and gave her an answer. "No. Not today. Maybe sometime tomorrow, ok?" Susan looked at his piano. "Ok. That's fine. Hi Mia." Mia looked at her. "Hi, Susan." Susan said goodbye and left. Mia folded her arms and looked at Prince. Prince looked back at her. Mia got up but Prince grabbed her by her waist. She sat down in his lap. "Baby, what's wrong?" Mia looked at him and sighed. "What's up between the two of you? Is there something up?" Prince shook his head. "No. Nothing's going on." Mia didn't say anything. Prince hugged her. Mia had gotten her ears pierced again and Prince had gotten his pierced. One day in May, Mia found Prince on lying on his floor. His lip was bruised and his nose was bleeding. Mia crawled through his window and tried to get him up. She grabbed his head. "Babe, get up. BABE!!!! Prince!" Prince opened his eyes and saw Mia. She helped him up. Prince tried to talk but Mia hushed him. "Don't talk. Breath out of your mouth." Prince did what she said and sat there when Mia walked out of his room to find some alcohol. She found a plant outside and rubbed it on his lips. Prince smiled at her. He mumbled something. "What?" Mia looked puzzled. He motioned talk. "Yeah, you can talk." His nosed had stopped bleeding. "Baby, what happened. Prince sighed. "Me and my father got into a fight. He was hitting my mother and sister. So, we were fighting." Mia hugged him but he squirmed. "What?" He squirmed again. "Its my back." Mia lifted his shirt up. He didn't have a bruise but his back was sore. "Turn over." Prince turned over on his stomach. Mia got on top of his back and started massaging him. "Does it hurt?" Prince shook his head. Prince fell asleep and Mia kept massaging him, then stopped. She laid down beside him. Mia woke up before Prince but she just laid there. Prince turned over and stroked Mia's hair. She looked into his beautiful eyes. "How ya feelin'?" Prince shrugged. "My back doesn't hurt anymore, my nose hurts, but my lip is OK." Mia looked at his lips. "Thank you." Mia grinned. " no problem." Prince got up and checked on his mother and Tyka. He came back into the room. "How are they?" Prince sighed. "They're still sleeping." Mia was shorter than Prince, just an inch. He walked over to Mia. She was whipping the sleep out of her eyes. He kissed her. He sat down beside her. "I gotta go." Prince laid his head on her shoulder. "Uuggh. OK." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. Mia left out of his window. One tender night on June 15th, Mia got the call about the movie. She was so excited. It began to rain. Mia told her siblings and her mother. They were so happy. Kai got married and had a baby. She left to go to Prince's place. She drove over and got out. It was 8 o'clock and when she knocked on the door, nobody answered. She went to Prince's widow. She was about to knock but she didn't.What she saw tore her apart. Prince was in bed with Susan. Susan looked at his window and gasped. Prince looked up and saw Mia's expression. Prince got up with covers wrapped around him and her. He got dressed. Mia ran back to her car. She sat there for a minute and cried. She drove off when Prince ran up to the car. Mia got out of her car and stood there for a moment. She walked inside and went straight to her room. She packed and kissed and hugged her family. They said their "I love you's" and Mia packed some more. She left and was on her way. Prince saw her driving some where and followed her. Her couldn't find her do to traffic. Mia was walking into the air port when Prince pulled up. There was a crowd and Mia was closer to the plane. "Mia!!!!!!" She turned and saw he was running up to her. She got on board and they closed the door. Prince went outside to see which plane she was on. It was plane 86. He threw a rock at her window. She looked and he was throwing more rocks. The plane was pulling off and Prince ran until the plane was in the air. He watched it disapear. It disappeared along with his love. He went to her mother's house. "She's off to L.A." Prince shook his head. "Thank you." He went to his house and punched a whole in the wall. His love was gone.

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