My Baby

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It was November and Neveah was growing up and got out of her little bed and walked into mommy and daddy's room. She had a blue pacifier in her mouth and her curly hair in a ponytail. She crawled on the bed and rubbed her daddy's hair. He turned to her and gasped. "Neveah?" She laughed. He sat up. "What is it baby girl?" She took her paci out of her mouth. "Song, daddy. Song. Sing to me daddy. Please?" He wiped his eyes and looked at Mia. She was asleep. "Give mommy kiss." She leaned over and looked at her. She moved the covers and O(+> got his camera and took a picture. She moved her hair and gave her a kiss. She turned to her and smiled. He took another picture. "Baby girl. What you doin' in here?" She gave her a hug. "I want daddy to sing me a song. Come on mommy. Come listen." She pulled her hand and smiled. O(+> stretched and picked her up. "You forgot to give daddy a kiss." She kissed his nose. Mia followed them to Studio B and he sat down with Neveah in her lap. Mia sat beside him and laid her head on his shoulder. "What do you want to hear?" She played with her paci. "The Beautiful Ones." They both looked at her. He began to sang and she hummed thought the whole song. She crawled over to Mia. "What do you want to eat baby?" He looked at her. "I dunno." She got and he followed behind her. Midnight followed them. Mia ate meats but he didn't. She fixed breakfast for him and her and Neveah. They ate and got their baths. Neveah was going with Tyka. She packed her clothes and grabbed her teddy bear with a microphone and walked over to play ball. O(+> was going to do another show in the Bay Area. Mia was going to do a show in New York. O(+> got back earlier. He went to Neveah's room. He saw all her toys and bed. He wanted another baby. Mia got in the next morning at 1. O(+> was in the studio. Mia took a walk to the backyard. She got in the swing and then a beige car pulled up. It was her ex. He didn't pull into their drive way but he stopped by the curb. He honked his horn. Mia didn't realize it was him. She walked over to the car and he got out. She rolled her eyes. "Well, hey baby girl." Little did they both know, O(+> was watching them from the studio window. His band mates looked too. "What the fuck are you doing here? How do you know where I live? What's your problem? Stop driving past here!" Mia was pissed. "I just stopped to ask for directions." Mia looked at him like he just lost his damn mind. "I'll give you some directions alright. I can tell you how to get the fuck outta my face and away from my house." He smirked. "I forgot how feisty you were." Mia was pissed and so was Skipper. "Get away from here you long neck bastard." He tried to grab her and and the door flew wide open. "If you don't get cujo looking ass away from my girl, we bout to have some serious problems partna!!!" He laughed when he saw him coming close to him. "And what are you gonna do?" Levi was running behind him. He continued to laugh. He gave Mia a stern, mean look. She walked slowly back into the house until she turned around to find O(+> punching her ex in the face. Levi tried to pull him off but it didn't help. Mia gasped. Blood was on his clothes. Blood was on the pavement. Her ex had a bloody nose and lip. Skipper just had a scratch on his lip. Levi finally got a hold of him. He picked him up and her ex got into his car and pulled off. Skipper walked past Mia and gave her a mean look. Mia just stood there and sighed. Skipper got cleaned up. He walked past Mia and didn't say a thing to her. Mia was tired of it. Neveah was still with Tyka and he was still working. Mia just worked in the studio with her drummer. They wrote another song called I Love U. It was 2 days since the fight and Mia walked into the room. She saw him beside the bed on the floor. She sat down and he smacked his lips. "I didn't know he was coming here. I didn't even know he knew where I lived." He continued writing. "You've been pissed at me for 3 days. I'm tired of it." He looked at her and sat his book down. "So, you mean to tell me that he just drove up here just to get some information or something?" Mia was getting mad. "He wants you Mia!" He got up and tried to walk away. She followed him. "Well I don't want him." He looked at her. "I don't know Mia." She pushed him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He pushed her back. "He don't need to come here no more motherfucker!!!!!!" She looked at the time. "You act like I asked him to come here or to show up. Oh sure yeah,Craig come by here! Just stop and say hey!!!" He pushed her. "Shut your damn mouth!!" Mia rolled her eyes. "This is my damn mouth! You can't make. ......." Before he knew it, he turned around and smacked her to the floor. Mia felt blood in her mouth. Her face was red. She didn't say anything. He walked out and went to First Avenue. Mia took a shower and went to bed. She didn't know what to say. Two more days came and neither would say something to each other. Finally, a chilly November night, O(+> finally walked into the bedroom. He didn't say anything. Mia was turned away from him. He went to the bathroom and came out. He walked quietly. He hasn't slept in the same bed as Mia. Mia didn't say anything when he got into bed. He moved hair away from her face. "Mia. Baby?" She didn't respond. "Mia." He shook her. "Look, I'm sorry ok." He put his hand on his face. "Mia, I'm sorry too." He looked over her shoulder. She didn't make any eye contact. He shook her. She just laid there. "Mia, please?" She still didn't say anything. He tickled her. "Stop." She moved his hands. He gave her a kiss. She didn't say anything. He moved her to the side and pinned her down. She wouldn't look at him. She tried moving his hand he kissed her. "Stop. Can you please get off me?" He kissed her again. "I'm not in the mood." He smirked. "You gonna get in the mood." He squeezed her thigh and she moaned. He continued to do so. He kissed her and she kissed back. He kissed her neck. She rolled over and got on top of him. "More." She whispered. He got on top of her. He squeezed her butt. She took off his shirt. He turned off the light and well, ya know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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