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0(+> and his father were upstairs meeting the band and listening to music. Mia walked slowly upstairs and heard O(+> talking to him. She turned and walked back downstairs. She heard the door open and they walked out. Mia was walking towards the kitchen when she heard them talking. "I like the place." He saw Mia from his peripheral. He walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "Pops, I want you to meet Mia, my girlfriend. Mia, this is my pops." Looked him in the eyes. He shook her hand and gave her a hug. "Hi." He smiled at her. "Hi." They sat down. "She's a pretty lil something." Mia blushed. "Thank you." His father looked at all the colors. "I absolutely love this." O(+> smiled. "You gone marry her?" Mia looked at him. "Of course I am. Just wait." He kissed Mia's hand. She blushed and smiled. He saw how they looked at one another with so much love and passion. "Let's take a walk." O(+> and Mia looked at each other. They all took a walk outside. "Where did you all meet?" They looked at each other. "School, 1978." His father gasped. "That long, huh?" They walked to the basketball court. "Well, I messed up because I cheated. I had to have her back." His father looked him in the eyes. "Now, she's all mine." Mia smiled at him. They talked about music and movies and walked back inside. "Well, I enjoyed both of you. I'm proud of you son. I'm very proud of you." He pat his son on the back and hugged Mia. "I'll see you guys later." He walked to his car and drove off. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" He smiled at her. "No. It was cool." They walked inside. They were going to have dinner with his band and some girlfriend of theirs. Mia and O(+> got dressed. They were on their way. It was a nice, wonderful restaurant. They sat down and talked. Tonny M stopped talking to his girl and asked Mia a question. "I like your songs. What are you working on now?" Mia answered. O(+> rubbed his hands under her dress. She looked at him and smiled. "I'm actually working on another movie." He began to rub her. Mia tried to play it off. "Stop." She said clutching his arm. He continued. He looked over to her and smiled. She grabbed his hand and leaned over to him. "Stop." He stopped. After they ate, they talked about music. He had another idea about music and they agreed that they'd do it. They danced on a slow song. "You think your Pops could stop drinking?" Mia thought about it. "I seriously doubt it. He's always been that way. The only time he wasn't acting crazy, was when he was playing piano." He sighed. They continued dancing and went to their cars. O(+> got in the car and looked at Mia. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. They went home and went to the roof. "Look at the stars. Its beautiful tonight." She looked at them. "I love looking at the stars. I always have. Sometimes when my father would act crazy, Kai and I would go in our backyard and look at the stars." He looked at her with those sexy, deep green eyes. He leaned over and kissed her. Paisley Park is a beautiful place. They went back inside and they both got into the studio.They loved recording and writing new songs. Music is their life and love. The next morning was July 15th, his father came around again. He knocked on the door and a doorman answered it. He told him where he was and he walked into the backyard. O(+> and Mia were playing basketball. They were both tied up. Mia saw his father and paused in the middle of dribbling. He snatched the ball and realized her head wasn't in the game for a second. He saw his father walking unto the court. "What's up, Pop?" His father looked at the basketball and back to him. "Nothing much. I just wanted to see you." When O(+> was 7, his mother and father separated and he could play the piano anytime he liked. When him and his father reconnected, he was a changed man. "Up for a round of basketball?" He looked at Mia. "You don't mind, do you?" Mia smiled. "No. Not at all." Mia sat and watched them play and laugh. She thought about her mother. "Excuse me but I need to go check on my mother." "Sure baby, that's fine." Mia drove to her mothers house and saw her father walking down the street. He didn't appear drunk and he didn't have a bottle of beer in his hand. "Hi Mia." He continued walking not waiting for a response. Mia was shocked. He hardly ever said her name. She walked in with big eyes. "What's wrong baby. Sit down." Her mother felt her forehead. "I saw daddy walking up the street and he said my name. He wasn't drunk, I don't think." Mia's mother gasped. "How you doing? How's my boy?" "He's fine. He's playing basketball with his father." Mia gave her mother a hug and saw Spike, her dog, walk in and lick her. "Hey Spike." "Mama, how you like it here?" Her mother looked at her smiled. "Baby, I love it. Its better. You've grown to be a beautiful woman. I'm proud of you." Mia hugged her and gave her a kiss. "Thanks mama." "I wanna come visit Paisley Park now, ya hear?" "Anytime mama. Come on." She stood up and stretched. "Well I'll see you later mama. I love you." "I love you too." She drove back home and found O(+> and his father asleep on both ends of the couch. Mia ran upstairs to grab her camera and took a picture. She let them rest and went to record some songs for her next album. They finally woke up and his father left. He came upstairs yawning. Mia walked out to check on him and found him walking to her. "My baby finally woke up, huh?" He put his head on her shoulder. "Yeah. What you doing?" Mia stroke his hair. "Working on another album." It was 4:56, and he had a concert to do in L.A. at 6. He went into his dressing room downstairs and came up with a new outfit. "Well, I'm about to go. I'll be back by 10. Be good." They both laughed. "Aren't I always." He looked at her and gave her a kiss. He was walking to his car and she was standing in the doorway. "Goodbye." "Mmmmmm, see you later. Not, goodbye." She blew him a kiss and watched him drive off. She went to the park with her sisters and brother, Cameron. They talked and Mia found out she was an aunt and that Dejah and Kai were pregnant. She was so happy. She heard little kids laughing and playing kick ball. She went back home and continued working. It was 9:45, and O(+> walked through the door. He had his hands behind his back and walked up to Mia who was downstairs, designing  a new dress. "You know how you told me about those dream catchers?" Mia nodded and gave him a funny look. "What's going on?" He said hello to his designer and gazed into her eyes. He showed her a beautiful, blue dreamcatcher with a tiny seashell in the middle. The feathers were brown and white. "Mia gasped. "Its beautiful." They walked into the kitchen. Mia had a candy bar on the counter she was about to eat, she looked in the fridge to get some water. When she looked at the counter it was gone. He took it and ran. Mia ran after him. "Give it back." He opened it and took a bite. "You want it?" Mia ran around the couch. "Give it to me." "You want it?" "Give it." "You want it?" "Yes." She was out of breath. He walked over there to her and grabbed her hand. "I want it." He looked at her and smiled. "I know. I'm about to give it to you." He gave her a seductive look. She knew what he was talking about. She started laughing. They walked in the room and he gave her the candy. She got on top of him and pinned him down. "I love you." He whispered. She smiled at him. "I love you more." He rolled her over and got on top of her. "I love you to the moon and back." They made love.

Oh, Skipper❤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz