Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm in a writing flow today! So I thought let's write chapter 2! I hope you all like it! xx

Joey's P.O.V.

"Lauren..., I need to tell you something..!" "What's u..." He kissed her!

Laurens P.O.V.

What's happening???? He is kissing me!!!!

Joe's P.O.V.


Laurens P.O.V.

She quickly pulled away from Joey. "Joey, what... I..." She looked at Joe and started running away, back to the studio. What did just happen??? Did Joey love me?? Yeah, ofcourse he does, otherwise he wouldn't kiss me. FUCK! And Joe saw it! UGHHHH Joey why me???????

Joe's P.O.V.

"Joey, what did you say and what did you do?!?" He walked to Joey. Joe was pissed! "Did you hurt her, why did she run away????" "Joe..." Joey said startled. "I didn"t... I wanted to tell her but... I..." "Why did she run away Joey?!" He said angrilly. "I don't know!!! Please Joe, you are hurting me!" He saw that he was holding him firmly by the shoulders. He left him quickly release."S...sorry!"

Joey's P.O.V.

Why was Joe so angry at him, he didn't do anything bad! "Joe, can you please go talk to her?!" "I guess I can do that..." Joe said slowly, but he saw the fire in Joe's eyes. "Thanks buddy! I didn't want to hurt her!" He looked to the end of the street where Lauren ran away. "Joe....? Are you mad at me?" "No, I'm just..." What are you just Joe??? Joey thought. "Still tired I guess. I didn't sleep very well and I feel a bit ill... Sorry Joey!" "I understand!"

Joe's P.O.V.

He walked away from Joey and started walking to the studio, trying to get his feelings under control. Lauren ran away from Joey... What does that mean? Did she love Joey...? Maybe she didn't or maybe she did and she ran away, because she didn't saw that kiss coming... why is everything so complicated....? He stopped in front of the studio. He saw Lauren crying on the sidewalk. "Hey Lo...?" Lauren lifted up her head, her eyes were thick and red from crying. "Are you okey?" "Yes, I'm okey...! Ofcourse I'm not Joe, why do you think I'm crying?!?" She shouted. "I'm so dumb..." "heyyy Lo, don't call yourself dumb... Come here." He grabbed her hand and they walked inside of the studio, where they sat down on a couch. Lauren placed her tiny body in his big strong arms! "Joe, I didn't know!" "I didn't know eighter Lo! Normally he tells me that kind of stuff!" He looked into her big brown eyes. "Wox.... he just kissed me and I... I just don't like him like that! And now the friendship is ruïned, because of me!" She cries. "No Lauren it's not your fault that you don't like him like that and he also knows that!" "He is mad, isn't he?" The little brunette looked like a wreck. "No, I was mad Lauren! I thought he did something to hurt you, so I ran over and yelled at him, almost hurting him!" He looked away. He was ashamed, but she needed to know the truth! "But Wox, why?? You saw what happend right!?" Oh no, how do I explain this... "Yes, I did, but when I saw you running away I was shocked, because I don't like to see you cry Lo!" "Oh Joe, you are so sweet!" She smiled to him. "You are the brother I never had!" There it was! The word he didn't want to hear from her: BROTHER! She is not in love with me to...

Laurens P.O.V.

Joe was so sweet for me!! Why can't you see what you're doing to me.. she sung in her head. She heard people coming in. "Walker... Lopez...? Are you both in here???" She heard Dylan's voice. "We are on the couch!!" Joe shouted. The group walked in. "Lo, is everything alright?" Julia asked, while she ran to her. "I'm a lot better, thanks to Walker!" She was still embraced by him. "Ahw, how cute!!!" Brian Holden said when he saw the two cuddling on the couch. "Brian!!!!" Joe said. "Please!!" "I don't want to ruïn this moment, but Taz and Up need to go to the dressing rooms, we have less than an our!" Julia said and the group started to dress up.

Joey's P.O.V.

He never had so much struggles acting as tonight! Seeing Taz and Up together was killing him! After the show the whole crew had an afterparty as Always. He went to the hotel as quick as he could. He didn't want to face Lauren!

Joe's P.O.V.

"Let's play a game guys! Truth or dare!" Everyone was drunk, but they agreed! "Okey, Jaime!" Darren looked at Jaime. "I like to have truth!" She laughed. "Okey, let me think.... What is your number one Starkid ship??" She thought. "Uhmmmm...... I ship LaurWalk!" Joe looked quickly at Lauren, who did the same thing, but her head was as red as cherry's. Jaime turned to him. "Okey Wox, truth or dare?" Don't say something stupid now Joe! "dare!" "Hmmmm, dare... I want you to kiss Lauren!" WHAT!? "Uhmmmm, I don't...." "He will do that!" Lauren said. "okey..." He leaned over to Lauren's face, closed his eyes and kissed her!

Laurens P.O.V.

"He will do that!!" She said. "Okey..." Joe said and she leaned forward to Joe, closed her eyes and kissed him. This kiss felt so good, it felt like it didn't last! And it didn't, they kissed for a minute! When they stopped, she saw the faces of the group and the face of Joey....

Whoah!!! Two kisses in one chapter! Please comment ideas I really need them! Thanks for reading everyone!!!! xx Maartje

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