Chapter 5

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Heey everyone!!! It has been a long time since I updated this story! School gave me so much homework that I didn't have any sparetime... But as requested I wrote a new chapter! I have a bundle where I write the story in before I type it on Wattpad and I wrote much during school (sorry teachers :) )! I have a lot of chapters ready! Enjoy chapter 5!!! xx

Laurens P.O.V.

JoMo came back with a bunch of different snacks and he gave her a snickerbar. "Snickerzzzz?!!!!"She said carefully and a little smile appeared. She heard Joe relieved sigh. "Thank you Moses, you're a hero!! You to Wox, I almost hid the ground!" She ate the candybar. Her face wasn't that pale anymore. They helped Lauren in a chair. "I guess I'm almost ready to rehearse again!" She didn't feel dizzy anymore. Joe looked to JoMo with a worried face, he is so protective! "Are you sure...?" "Yeah, I'm fine!!" She tried to make him believe her. Even though Joe tried to hold her down, she escaped him and carefully walked to her start position.

Later that afternoon they made everything ready for the fanmeeting. Some long tables were placed and they put some markers on them. "That's it! We're ready to go!!" Within an hour the fans would come for a fanmeeting and Starship of course! The timing was very hectic, because right after the meeting they would have 30 minutes to get ready for the show. The group decided to take some time for themselves. Joe Moses called Tessa, Jaime grabbed her Harry Potter book and Lauren decided to stay in the theatre. She sat down on the edge of the stage and ate a snicker. "Another snicker huh?!" Joe walked in and grabbed a snicker to. "Jup, I need some energy for tonight. I don't want to pass out again!" She looked around her to see if there was anyone else except them and there wasn't so she snuggled into his arms. "It was good that you were there today!" He didn't say anything, but smiled to her. "Are you scared for the Get back Up dance?" She said. "A little bit..., but we can do it!" She knew there was something he hided. "You know, you shouldn't look into my eyes while we're dancing. Your beautiful blue eyes distract me!" She turned around and layed her forhead against his. They looked in each other's eyes. "Your eyes to Lo, but I can't promise anything. How did the conversation between you and Joey go?" So that was bothering him. He wanted to know what she said to Joey. She couldn't lie to her boyfriend to.. "He asked me if I loved you and I said yes..., but when he asked if we were together I lied and said no..." He pulled her on his lap. "I think that's the best thing to say right now!" The two kissed passionate. "You know that I love you Lauren!" He said it! He said I love you!!!! There was one thing sure... "I love you to Wox!!!"

Joey's P.O.V.

Before the fanmeeting started he went to the kitchen. "Hey Joey!!! Did you heard the news already?!" Brian asked him. "No.. Is there something wrong?!" There wasn't of course, Brian looked to exited. "No!!! Another Starkid ship is real! We have a new couple in the group! And no it's not me and Mere, because we are a thing a long time now! Oh and also not JoMo and Tessa, they've been together forever!" It wasn't suprising, the Starkid crew was almost 24/7 together. "Who?" "First promise you that you won't go to them and ask all about them, beacause I found out and they obviously don't want us to know yet!" Brian looked very serious. "I promise!!" "Okey, LaurWalk is a thing. I saw them kissing this morning and I heard them talking about their relationship!" For a few seconds his heart stopped beating. "Joe and Lauren?" He asked carefully. Lauren lied to him!!! He took a deep breathe in case he would freak out again! "Bri, are you sure...? I talked to her today and she said that they weren't together..." "No, they are DEFINITELY a thing! Of course she said that they weren't, they try to keep it hidden from us." Ughh, why did she lied to him?! He promissed to not talk to them, but he wanted it so badly.

Laurens P.O.V.

They sat down at the long table. A big group of Starkid fans came in and ran to the table. A girl with a Rumbleroar t-shirt on came directly to Lauren. "Haay..." She said with a shaking voice. "Hey!" Lauren gave her a hug. "I'm.. I just.... I'm your biggest fan! I love how you played Draco Malfoy in the AVP series!" She stuttered. "Thanks! I'm so glad to hear that!! Hey, don't cry!"Lauren said when she saw tears rolling down the girls face. The girl laughed and they took a photo together. Before coming here yesterday, the autographs were already drawn and she gave it to every single fan.

During the fanmeeting she also got some stuff. A girl backed Lauren a gluten-free cake with the recipy from her cookbook 'These treats don't suck' and another group of fans made a scrapbook with personal messages and the best Starkid pictures from Instagram and Tumblr. "Oh you guys! This is so sweet! I think that I'm going to cry... I am such an emotional wreck!" She said half crying. The next group of fans came to her. "Hey Lauren!" One said. "Are you and Joe together?" Wow, she didn't see that question coming. "Joe Moses? No, he's with Tessa!" She tried to talk herself out of the conversation. "No, not Joe Moses! We meant Joe Walker of course! We asked him who would date if he had to choose and you were his answer!" A couple girls giggled. "Oh, uhm, how sweet of him, but we're not together. He is my best friend!" Oh I can't be more obvious... "Yeah right, we can see how you look to him." A very tough girl said. "I'm sorry girls, maybe ever.." The fans walked to the lobby and the actors rushed to the dressing rooms. Her outfit was already laying there, ready for the show. The black wig looked like a big fluffy cat who was laying on the table. She grabbed it. "I'm Mittens, the cat of your nightmares!" She said to Dylan while she placed the wig on his head. Dylan didn't saw that coming and jumped two meters in the air. "Oh, did I scare you? Well, walk it of!!!" And she jumped on top of him. "Heeeey little guuurl!" Dylan sounded like Tootsie. "Don't we neeeeed tooo saaayve our voiiices for the shooow?!" Lauren fell down and rolled over the floor laughing. The door opened. "Guys, ten minutes until we start the show. Are you all... Lauren please, dress up! There's not much time left and you also need to get your make-up done!!" A suprised Bhole said. "I'm sorry!" And she puts her clothes on and applied her make-up. "Where is my black hoodie?!" She couldn't play Bugette if she looked like Taz. She ran into the boys dressingroom. "Did anyone see my black hoodie!!??" Joe and Joey looked how Lauren started panicing. "Hey relax! It's on top of the wig closet. I'll grab it for you, little girl!" Joey said laughing. "Thanks Richter! .. Wait, shouldn't you and Bug be on stage right now?!" "Nope, I got 3 minutes before the show left soo..." They walked to the wig departement. Joey grabbed the hoodie and gave it to her. "Soooo... You and Joe huh..? Seems like there is a lot of Chemistry between you to..." Lauren felt her cheeks turning red. "Uhm.. I guess..." The silence was broken when they heard a voice through the speakers: "1 minute before the show! Joey get your ass on stage now!!! And other bugs behind the stage please! End of notification!" "Let's talk later okey?" Joey said while running out. "Yeah..." Lauren put her hoodie on and grabbed Bugette. "Oh Lauren..." She said to herself in her Bugette voice. "I don't like this 'love triangle' at all. As much as you like to make everyone know how much you love Joe..." Her voice turned back to her own voice. "I don't want to break Joey's heart..!"

Joey's P.O.V.

"I wanna be a Starship ranger.... I wanna have the things they've got.... I wanna be a Starship ranger... But there's just one little thing they are, that I'm not!" He liked playing Bug, it was his escape from reality without worries about him loving Lauren and Lauren loving Joe. The only scenes that were difficult, were the ones with him and Lauren (Bugette/Taz) and the Taz + Up scenes. "Hey Bug!" Bugette had trouble with these scene to, because her voice wasn't the easiest, but she did great! "Ohh, I'm so... stupid!"She moved away and the next part of I wanna be started. A couple of minutes later the Starship ranger scene started. He heard the voice of Taz shouting on stage. "Alright people! This is a resque mission! Get your zappers, set them to PHEW! PHEW, PHEW, PHEW,PHEW!" She is such a badass! Nick and Matt did a great job casting everyone! "My name is Tootsie-Noodles!" "What the hell kind of name is that?!"

The next 20 minutes of the show he didn't had any scenes, so he grabbed a chair and sat down in the coulise. Joe stood next to him. "You did great! Best opening since the premiere!" It was true. "Thanks Joe..! They are so funny!" He pointed at the cast on stage. "Look at Lauren, she kicks ass!" He whispered back. "Yeah..." Was all Joe could say. He sounded dreamy. "Hey, look at you! None of you have what it takes to serve at your commander Up!" He looked at Joe. Joe had his eyes closed and breathed calmly. When his cue came up , he walked on stage.

-Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm planning to put a new chapter up tomorow or the day after. xx Maartje <3-

! Important question ! With who should Joey fall in love except Lauren or who should fall in love with Joey except Lauren?! Please comment your answer! Tnxxx :)

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