Chapter 3

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Heey guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter two, so here is te third chapter! I try to make the chapters as long as I could, but I don't want it to be monotonous. xx

Joey's P.O.V.

Earlier that night, when he walked into the hotel, he discovered that his headset was still in the studio. He walked back. Now I need to face Joe and Lauren again...! All of the Starkid members are probably drunk right now, ,so maybe I can talk to Lauren about what happend today.. If she is drunk right now, she would speak the truth! He walked inside the studio and heard Laurens voice: "He would do that!" She sounded drunk! He walked into the room. His first look fell on the two who were kissing each other! He froze. When they stopped kissing, Lauren saw him almost directly staring at her and Joey. "Joey...." She said slowly. "I..." "What the hell are you doing Joe??!! I thought you talked to her about me and her?! But you betrayed me, I thought you were my best friend!!!!" He shouted at Joe, who looked confused about what was happening.

Laurens P.O.V.

I thought that Joey went to the hotel already! Why was he here?!! I knew it, he is mad at me!!! "Joey, please calm down!" Dylan said to Joey. "Please, shouting isn't solving anything!""No! But kissing MY crush doesn't eighter!" Joey was still shouting! I wondered how this would end, if it would end! "Joey, we were playing truth or dare.. Jaime dared Joe...we can explain..." She said. "We?!... We?!... You two are such... Ughhhh!!!! He just kissed you Lauren!!! There is no explanation for this!" Joey looked like he was going to murder them! She felt her eyes fill with tears and one by one they rolled down her cheeks. "Joey, please don't be like this! It's not my fault that I don't love you, I'm sorry!!..." Joey looked to her, turned around and walked away. How can I solve this!!!

Joe's P.O.V.

He stared at the floor. Is it bad that I really liked to kiss Lo???? Now Joey is mad at me.... And she said that it was only a dare.... It felt so real!! "Lauren.... can I talk to you? Alone?" He looked down at Lauren who was silently crying. They stood up and walked outside. "You said that he wasn't mad Joe!" The little girl was shaking. They sat down on the sidewalk. "I didn't know it was so bad Lo.... He saw us... I betrayed him.... I'm such a douchbag!" He tried not to cry, he can't show his tears in front of her! "No, Wox I did betray him! I should have told you earlier that...." The tears kept coming faster and faster. What did she wanted to tell me earlier??? Please, Lauren just say it. My feelings are killing me!! "Wox, since I've met you, I felt... I had butterflies in my tummy! I don't love Joey, Joe! I love you!" She looked at me, she looked very scared. I couldn't believe it! She loves me! The beautiful girl was still crying.. "Joe... please say something... I'm stupid, how could I think that you would like me..." "Lo... I... I loved you since I saw you!!" He leaned forwards and kissed her again! The kiss seemed to last for days! He never felt so happy!!!

Laurens P.O.V.

Joe Walker is kissing her! Joe Walker loved her!!!!! They opened their eyes and Lauren looked at Joe. The two sat there for minutes in silence, but it wasn't awkward. She never felt so happy! She felt happier than that time she went to Disney World with her family (and she loveeees Disney!!) ! "And btw, you are not stupid, Lauren!" They laughed. "We have a lot to explain to Joey...!" She was so worried about that. "I'm going to talk to him tomorow, but maybe we shouldn't tell anybody about... us..??" She said it: US! "About that... Lauren, do you want to be my stunning, beautiful girlfriend?!" He asked gently. "Yes, wizard god yes! I would love that Joe Walker!" She puts her lips against his. "But Yeah, we will keep this a secret until things are working out again." They stood up from the sidewalk and went inside. "Guys, we should get back to the hotel again!" Brian said, but Meredith had a better idea! "It's far to late, we could look for some old mattresses and sleep here." "Yesss! A sleepover!!!" Lauren said exited. "Hey, old Lauren is back! We were afraid you weren't able to be happy again!" Dylan picked her up. "Hey, not fair!! Yes, I'm feeling happpy again, but that doesn't mean that you can pick me up! I'm not a little girl! I WILL FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!!" She laughed and tried to kick and slap Dylan. "Whoa, relax tiger!" The whole group was crying from laughter, they were just happy to have old Lauren back! Dylan puts Lauren down. "Better?" She nodded. "Well, maybe I should go to the night store to get food and other stuff we need?!" Everyone reacted exited. "You should do that Lo, but I'm going with you! You never know what kind of creeps walk around the town right now!""*sigh* Joe is so protective, my cute boyfriend! Boyfriend... that word sounds so great in my head! "Okey, nice! We are back soon! See ya!!!"

Joe's P.O.V.

They stopped acting like friends directly when they stepped outside. "I secretly said that as excuse to be with you, you know." He grinned at Lauren. "I know that! I know you longer than this!!" The little brunette smiled. *sigh* I am melting because of her smile... I can't believe she is mine now.... He felt a little hand grab his hand. A warm feeling filled their body's. They arived at the night store and walked in. The shop was warm and smelled musty. Lauren ran right to the snack department, sometimes she was such a child. They grabbed some snacks. "Wait Wox, we need to have some gluten-free stuff!!" ofcourse! She didn't eat gluten, how did he forget that? "Oh Yeah, ofcourse! We should bring some breakfast food to, with gluten and without." After grabbing the last food, they went to the pay desk and payed. Lauren was already outside, because she couldn't hold it any longer in the musty air. When Joe walked outside he saw a Guy who was talking to her. "hey ey ey, look this chick!" The guy grabbed her wrist. "Hey, let me go bastard!" When Joe saw that he quickly ran to Lauren. "Let my girl go, jerk!" The guy didn't saw him coming. He walked slowly backwards. "Okey, relax man. I didn't know she had a boyfriend..." "You don't treat girls like this. Now go away, before I punch you!" The guy was gone in less than a second, scared of Joe. "Thanks Walker!" She hugged him and then she stood straight in front of him, looking him in his eyes. In her Taz voice she said: "You are the toughest son of a bitch I ever met in my life! You destroyed him!" "Thanks Taz!" He said back as Up. "Hahaha, I guess we made TUp real!" She looked cute when she was laughing. "I don't want to be a buzzkill, but we should get back! The rest is probably worried." And they went back.

Laurens P.O.V.

"That's a lot of food you got there! It's only one night." Julia sighted when the two lovebirds walked in like nothing romantic happened. "We also had to buy gluten-free food for this little girl right here!" Joe tickled Lauren, who fell laughing, screaming and kicking on the ground. "I'm not little, Joe please stop! Don't tickle!" Julia grabbed the bag with food and did everything in the fridge. "Anything exiting or scary happened?" Oh, we can't say something stupid now. "Uhmmmm.... a guy tried to rape me.... buuuttt.... Joe scared him?" "Yeahhhhh... I scared him..." She knew she was blushing. "Rape! Good thing Joe was with you, huh?!" I guess she believes it. "Yeah, good thing Joe was there, but I could have handled it myself. I'm a strong girl!" The three walked upstaires and found everyone laying on their 'beds'. "Lo, come lay here next to me!" Jaime shouted to Lauren. "Alright!" She didn't want to lay next to Joe, because that was to suspicious. The rest of the night they talked and played games, but everyone saw Lauren staring at Joe and Joe at Lauren. "I'm sure they are a thing!" Meredith whispered at Brian. "Who?" "Who do you think?! Lauren and Joe ofcourse!" "Yeah, it's pretty Obvious." Lauren tried to concentrate on the others, but it was hard! She saw him staring at her to. Why did it have to be so difficult!!!??? "Are we going to sleep or not. I don't mind to stay up all night!" The others agreed. "I have an idea!! Let's do a tickle contest, boys against girls!" within no time, the group had seperated in two groups and everyone was hiding. If you've been tickled, you are game over. Lauren was hidden behind a wall. "Ready, set, go!" She heard JoMo yell. Jeff Blim tried to sneak to the room she was hidden, but failed. Lauren tickled him before he even saw her. After five minutes only she, Denise, Darren, Rachael and Joe were left. Darren caught Denise in the kitchen and she lost, but Darren didn't know Rachael was behind him and he also lost. They only had to find and tickle Joe, than they won! Lauren quitly walked upstaires. She heard Rachael screaming. That meant Joe and she were the only ones left. As she walked passed the bathroom she saw him. When he turned around she jumped on him and tickled. "I won!! Mister Walker, you are game over!" All the girls cheered! She won, the girls one, but more importantly she won him! The only thing that was bothering her was Joey... It was almost Sunrise and that meant she was going to see him soon at rehearsal...

Whoaah, this chapter is very long! It's 1753 words long!  I have a couple of questions for you!: Do you have any ideas for the rest of this story and I'm going to make Starkid shorts, what do you want me to write about? Oh and btw if you like Starkid fanfic's you should also read Jemxma__ fanfic's! She is a good writer xx Maartje

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