My brother of mine

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I was walking the dusty streets of the village of the Leaf with new eyes.

Becoming the sixth hokage is a huge honour and it scared me a little, did I deserve this title?

I would wave to the busy rebuilding villagers as the re construction was under way after Peins attack that felt so long ago, I looked around for Izo but could not see him as a sinking feeling in my stomach developed, like something was wrong again.

While walking I figured that I would read the letter that the Raikage sent me, as usual he made fun of me by addressing me by Dip shit.

Hey dip shit, I know that these letters are supposed to be formal and all but since it's you I don't care.

B says hi, no B I am not putting your raping lines in here.

Are you really recording everything I am saying right now? Even this? Now this?

Anyways, since the writer is a fantastic person, yes that's what I said, yes it is. Whatever she will understand.

We are letting you know that Uchina Sasuke is a wanted criminal and an endangerment to us all since his murder of his Sensei, Orichimaru, whom of which he killed himself.

With your blessing we are going to begin investigating and when caught will be put to death. I have the most capable ninja's on the way to your village as we speak to hear of your blessing.

With best wishes and all that other crap, blah blah blah, something of wishes of good health, blah blah blah, congrats at promotion.

You do this for fun don't you?

.....Raikage out.

That's not what I said, no it's not. Whatever just send the letter and for the love of Kami shut up B!!!

I had to giggle at the end of the letter, of course they would be arguing while the scribe was just looking for some humour in his boring work.

But the bit about Sasuke... I don't think that he should be killed, yes he is dangerous but Naruto would not like to have him killed, he would hate me for it, more than he already does.

As I walked by I could hear the whispers of people by me,
"I heard they elected a new Hokage as Tsunade-sama is still unconscious."

"I wonder who it is?"
"No, they would put someone more experienced on, maybe that Hatake fellow?"

I giggled as I walked by, I was close to home when I heard fighting, picking up my speed I ran around the corner with a tree to be greeted by the sight of a dust cloud.

"Again you guys? Can't we all get along!" I shouted as I waded through the dust cloud throwing people out of it, some armor felt unfamiliar to me as the group dispersed.

I looked around and notices that some of the people that I threw were not lead ninja at all. Putting my best stern face on I turned to the new comers with a strict look in my eyes.

"Who are you? And what are your intentions?" My voice was hard, after all they attacked my ninja and somehow got into the village, the walls weren't totally destroyed so they must of slipped past the usually sleeping guards, that will have to change since we are weaker at the moment.

They looked at me in annoyance and with a snooty look in their eye.

"What's it matter to you?" There were around five of them. (At this point I am winging it... Sorry guys :( ) there were three boys and two girls and by their headbands these must be the people that the Raikage sent to track down Sasuke. My eyes hardened and narrowed into a dangerous glare.

"Take care in how you speak and I now know why you are here. Sasuke is a ninja of the leaf, he will not be hunted down and taken into custody like a dog. You can tell your Raikage to take it up his ass since I said no."

I felt the tension in the air as the group of leaf ninja stiffened behind me as the anger rose in the group in front of me at my words, in the distance I could feel Narutos chakra listening in but at the moment my only concern was the group of five in front of me.

"Who do you think you are to dare speak of our Kage like that! I'll make you pay!" The shortest of the group ran at me while the tallest one noticed the letter in my hand with the seal of the Kages and gulped nervously as he paled a few shades and tried to grab the other male charging at me.

I ducked as he swung his fist and moved around his body, with a glowing green hand I hit the base of his neck causing him to collapse on the dirty ground in front of Shika's feet.

"Anyone else?" My tone was short and clipped and held a dangerous tone underneath. The tallest boy bowed down on his knees and the rest stared at him.

"Don't be fools! We humbly apologize for our behaviour, Hokage-sama, we did not realize it was you. Please forgive our teammate and we promise he will be punished for his actions." Soon the others bowed on the ground with him, well except the one trying to stand up but failing miserably.

I took this time to study them, the leader was obviously the tallest one of the group and wore a jounin jacket as well did the other four. The males all had the same dark hair and dark green eyes that looked black unless under sunlight which led me to believe that they were brothers. The females in the group could not be more different from eachother even if they tried.

One seemed hard, almost like a man with the muscles showing on her arms, her hair was a blond colour that went to her ears and followed her jaw line, her brown eyes held light in them but have seen so much darkness, her brown clothes held contrast to her pale skin as her freckles popped out on her face.

The other woman had red hair that was long, dark skin and was thin but I could sense a hidden strength there, her eyes were a dark brown an almost black colour as she looked me dead in the eye, not bowing with the others. I could sense Choji staring at her as he dropped his bag of chips.

I stared down the red head for a little longer before we both smirked.

"I like you." We both said at the same time.

"Well, no hard feelings, I would have reacted the same. But tell A, that my answer is still no. I know that you have orders to hunt him down anyway, but I still have a grudge that he attacked my father, but.." I took a deep breath and said in a leader like voice to show that I was serious as I hauled up the youngest brother by his arm, hand slightly glowing white to fix his 'issue'.

"As the official sixth Hokage of the village hidden in the Leaves, I hereby declare that if you pursue the hunt for Uchina Sasugay that to do so would be an act of war. Am I understood?" They were silent for a moment before Naruto spoke up.

"It's Sasuke, not Sasugay."

"That's what I said isn't it?"

"No it's not, what a drag."

"Sigh, well that entire speech over again with the name correct, blah blah blah. Ok? Still to attack Sasuke is an act of war. Go and tell him this. And tell B that I say hi!" With that I grabbed Narutos arm and pulled him towards our estate, leaving the tense atmosphere behind, well some of it.

The walk to the manor was a quiet one, one that I am not sure I want to do again.

We walked through the door and into the small dojo area, that way if I get mad there is enough room that I won't kill him, not that I thought that I could.

I sat down cross legged and waited patiently for him to do the same, for the first time in over 4 years, we were going to have a proper talk; and it unnerved me.

He sat down took a deep breath like he was hesitant to talk to me, but when he did I wish I had a roll of duck tape.

"So..." He started, his voice soft as it bounced around the dusty room.

"I talked to dad..."



There's the first official chapter of the last book. Sorry it has taken so long!! Comment what you think!!

Book 3, final chapter: I'm home Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora