WoW: Ino Yamanaka

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Hello, lovelies! This is your host @AsuraKo and welcome to the Host Club~ *cough* I meant, the Naruto Magazine-- Anywaays, today's quote for Words of Wisdom is..

There's no meaning to a flower unless it blooms. - Ino Yamanaka

This profound quote was said none other than by our diva Ino Yamanaka, for which I would like to say, Ino is definitely one of the best and most realistic female roles in the entire series and even if Kishi doesn't give her as much highlight, she deserves more love.

Now on with the quote.

In light of this quote, I would say, all of us our flowers-or buds to be exact-at our on right. All of us have the impressive ability to be bloom into something wonderful and incredible. Each and every one of us are sent to this world as little buds ready to bloom.

But as it is, there is no meaning to a bud if it withers before blooming. So you can't just sit their hoping you would bloom but work for it. Adapt and readapt until you're something stunning.

I say this all the time, and I am say it again, you have to work for it. For everything. Complaining and whining gets one nowhere. You want to be good at something, go ahead and try it. Do everything you want to, as much as possible until you have it right.

Of course this sounds hypocritical coming from me, since all I seem to do is procrastinate but I'm trying to change that the best I can, I really am and I hope you do too. As Shia Lebouff says, "Just do it!" and that is essentially what you must do.

So work hard and bloom. There's no meaning to your uniqueness if you don't.

That's it for today's WoW. I hope you enjoyed.

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