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Avanthe detail add-in: Keep track of which letters you pick most; you'll need it to get your result!


Which Hidden Village do you belong to?

What is your favorite (1)season?
a. Summer
b. Spring
c. Winter
d. Rainy Season
e. Autumn

Scenario: You are sent in am important mission, but along the way, you and your team get ambushed-one of your teammates are taken hostage and the other gets quite imjured. What do you do?
a. You see whether your injured teammate can make it, if not, you carry on the mission yourself. Completing the mission has top priority
b. Helping out your teammates is more important, since you consider them your friends. But you won't give up on the mission either
c. You help out your teammate who is injured and continue on with the mission-the hostage can wait
d. You go on with the mission yourself. You don't particularly care about your teammates. Nor about the mission.
e. You try fighting head on with the enemy, because who could be more stronger than you right? Though, you are also intent on the mission

Which of these best describes you?
a. cold, willful
b. peaceful, caring
c. loyal, determined
d. skeptical, unkind
e. strong, prideful

What is more important to you?
a. Power
b. Friendship
c. Acceptance
d. Money
e. Recognition

Which of these elements do you most associate with?
a. Wind
b. Fire
c. Earth
d. Water
e. Lightning

Choose one -
a. a Tanto (small sword)
b. a Katana (long sword)
c. Shuriken
d. Kunai
e. Hand Combat

Results: *insert drumroll*

Mostly A: You belong to the Hidden Sand Village. You will do great under the Kazekage, in taking orders and carrying out mission without unnecessary compassion.

Mostly B: You belong to the Hidden Leaf Village. You are peaceful and just, indifferent to everyone. You'll get along well with our Konoha folks.

Mostly C: You belong to the Hidden Stone Village. You are loyal to your village and determined to always do good for it.

Mostly D: You belong to the Hidden Mist Village. You are as cold and recluse towards useless interaction. You would rather be a lone-wolf than a team-player

Mostly E: You belong to the Hidden Cloud Village. You are very prideful which mostly leads to trouble. You are also willful to push yourself for the sake of your friends and village.

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