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Dear AnIdiotOnTheInternet

Tag, you're IT!



Welcome to the magazine that suddenly got shorter because some of our workers have slacked it or changed usernames which is actually my pet peeve but they probably give a rat's ass so that's why it's shorter.

Run-on sentence is indeed intentional.

Okay back to proper English. Because then people will get offended. Because it's 2015, the year when all people get offended by anything. Like the Starbucks holiday cup thing. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT IS ON THE NEWS?


I guess the more appropriate intro is me apologizing for my lack of manager this month. I am considered an adult in the society of America so I had no choice but to LIFE it up in California. But I made it, sorta, to release this here issue - our seventeenth!

Congratulations, team! To those who are regular, faithful ones, turning in articles on time: GRACIAS.

Are you impressed with my Spanish yet?

We have open positions to those readers who'd wish to be a part of the team!

The following "jobs" are open for one person EACH: Naruto Scenarios, Music, Undiscovered Gems, Favorites and Cosplay!

The following are in need of two people EACH: That One Author and Back-Ups.

If you have no clue about the jobs then simply check out the Job Description "book"before contacting us, and poof.

NarutoMagazine Team: deadline will be announced on the message board so PAY ATTENTION to that.

Naruto Magazine Issue #17Where stories live. Discover now